Bolus Wizards

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a little question for the pumpers.........

How does the the bolus wizard (i know not all have them) work out the correction dose........

Was curious as and MDI'r as the higher my BG is the weaker 1 unit of insulin it the same on the wizard...

Thanks in advance.........🙂
It can only work on what info you tell it. So, if you tell it that 1u brings you down 3u (for example), it will work with that no matter how high you are. You can override the pump and tell it to give more if you think you need it (you can override everything the pump suggests in any situation).
It can only work on what info you tell it. So, if you tell it that 1u brings you down 3u (for example), it will work with that no matter how high you are. You can override the pump and tell it to give more if you think you need it (you can override everything the pump suggests in any situation).

Nice, so can multiple correction factors, if thats what you call it, be programmed in...........?
On my pump (Deltec Cozmo) if my blood glucose is above 16, then a higher level of correction is given by the pump - plus 20% I think it is. This works very well.
Oops sorry Liz didn't realise the Cozmo did that - as they're off the market I never think of them!

NRB - yep, you can set different correction factors for different times of day.
We need someone to buy the Cozmo and get it out for us again. They are utterly brilliant.
Wonderful machines.....thanks.......🙂
They do. I found much better control with my Deltec than my Minimed.
Just wondering if you are doing a correction and an extended/multi/dual wave type bolus do all the pumps give the whole correction straight away and then only extend the food bolus part?
Just wondering if you are doing a correction and an extended/multi/dual wave type bolus do all the pumps give the whole correction straight away and then only extend the food bolus part?

The cozmo corrects up front 1st 🙂
With Medtronic, it doesn't let you square wave if you need a correction - you have to dual wave. With the dual wave though, you decide what split you are giving (ie 2u now, 4u for the remainder) and then you chose how long you want the remainder to go in over. Soooo basically a square wave with the correction first, if that makes sense!
With Medtronic, it doesn't let you square wave if you need a correction - you have to dual wave. With the dual wave though, you decide what split you are giving (ie 2u now, 4u for the remainder) and then you chose how long you want the remainder to go in over. Soooo basically a square wave with the correction first, if that makes sense!

Ive never noticed that! But then if you didnt want to correct you could just give it in manual bolus I guess.

Man I need to stop using John Walsh as a door stop and do some reading 😉
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