Bolus problems

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I usually avoid eating meals with lots of carbs in the evening and usually stick to about 30g carbs.

But at this time of year I have several xmas parties and meals out coming up which will mean larger meals eaten over loger periods of time.
Usually after these type of occasions I have problems with high blood sugars.

If I just bolus normally for say 70g carbs I find i hypo about an hour after eating as it takes too long for food to get into my system.

I have tried using both square wave and dual wave boluses and still find that my blood sugar still rises steeply when the square or dual wave finishes having been fine while bolus still working. At the moment the longest bolus duration I have tried is 4 hours.

I suppose I should try longer bolus but am not keen to do this overnight.

Any advice welcome
For meals like that I normally do a standard bolus once per course so eg 20g, 50g, 30g about an hour apart (by the time the food arrives!) - it seems to help with the post-meal highs, and I tend to wear clothes that mean I can just do it discretely at the table - normally nobody notices.
Cate what about a temporary bolus rate , i went out for a meal tonight for my sons 18th , set temp bolus rate for 130% for 4 hours and everything worked out perfect 🙂
Thank you for your suggestions

I hadn't thought of doing temp basal, it is really the extended bolus I am trying to get to grips with.

I guess I am just going to try increasing the time, maybe half with meal and the rest over 6 hours?
Sorry also meant to ask Jennywren

Did you do temp basal on top of normal bolus for meal?
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