Bolus calculator

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just got put on the Dexcom one sensor not on a pump just yet is there a app I can get to help work out insulin doses for meals and correction does for iPhone
My sugr is one
How about the My Life app?
How about the My Life app?
I liked the layout of that app. Adding a manual bolus (or adjusting the calculated bolus) was a pain as you could only increase the bolus in 0.1u increments and couldn’t type it in. That was the only dislike I had I think though.
I liked the layout of that app. Adding a manual bolus (or adjusting the calculated bolus) was a pain as you could only increase the bolus in 0.1u increments and couldn’t type it in. That was the only dislike I had I think though.
My DSN got me to use it before moving on to a pump. I can’t remember the ins and outs of it (rubbish memory!). I just remember that it was basic and straightforward, which I liked. 🙂 I’m not a big fan of faffing with tech just as I sit down for a meal.
My DSN got me to use it before moving on to a pump. I can’t remember the ins and outs of it (rubbish memory!). I just remember that it was basic and straightforward, which I liked. 🙂 I’m not a big fan of faffing with tech just as I sit down for a meal.
I like basic too but eg if I was taking a 5u bolus then having to press + 50 times wasn’t something I could stick to
I’ve been using a spreadsheet I made in Numbers on my iPhone, not very slick but it does the job :

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