Bolus = ∑((∂x+∂y)*√( Ωz-(4xy2/3rs)≤ п(∞3))

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
About to eat my meal, so time to work out my bolus insulin. From my carb-counting, I know that I inject 1 unit of novorapid per 10g carbohydrate ? simple, right? Aah! But I also have to consider:

Current BG ? higher or lower than my midrange target?
Time since last bolus ? any still circulating?
What about basal - does it really last 24 hours for me, or is it running out?
Exercise ? do I plan to do any? If so, how long for? What intensity? Aerobic/anaerobic? How accustomed am I to this exercise?
Time of day?
Any illness currently?
Any alcohol consumed?
Absorption at site of injection?
Food ? how much carbohydrate?
How much fat?
How does this food affect me normally?
Glycaemic load of meal?

...erm, anything I left out?:confused::D
Hey Northener,
Change the title to "time to reverse the car out of the garage and up the drive" or "time to wet shave for the first time" or any number of other second nature things we do all the time and your list would be longer!! I start my DAFNE on Feb 11th, - by which time you'll be an expert! Hang on in there.
Think you covered everything I can't think of anything else. With all of that to consider it's amazing we ever get it right!
But with all those things how much time does it take you? I think for me it takes less than a minute.
Think you covered everything I can't think of anything else. With all of that to consider it's amazing we ever get it right!
But with all those things how much time does it take you? I think for me it takes less than a minute.

Ha ha! That's the funny thing - I'm astounded that I ever get it right, but I usually do!:D
Yes you missed out am I stressed so much thinking about this list that my sugars have gone up again lol
If ever this type 2 gets a DAFNE course she is taking her husband and sone with her because she'll need help withe the maths...
lol i still dont always get my carb counting correct as it is like doing a complicated math equation.
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