Body Piercing

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi All

Newbie here. Well, I'm using an auto inject as part of the checking of my Blood/Gloucose..GL. My problem seems that even with the thing set at 5 (Ouch!!!!), I can't seem to get enough blood to rise, to satisfy the bl**dy machine, and these little strips are not cheap. As I'm doing this three or four times a day at the mo, I'd like a few tips on getting blood.......

Thanks in advance.........No Dracula like posters need
hi dave i find if i hold my hand down for a few minutes prior to doing the jab then "milking it" slightly ie gently pushing down from my knuckle to the puncture wound that i will give me plenty of bloody for the machine 🙂

hope this helps

wash your hands before lancing in WARM water! it helps, honest x
hi dave i find if i hold my hand down for a few minutes prior to doing the jab then "milking it" slightly ie gently pushing down from my knuckle to the puncture wound that i will give me plenty of bloody for the machine 🙂

hope this helps


Thanks Mike......I'll try that. Sugarbum, I'm doing that, as I was told that if you don't wash your hands, it could affect the reading.

yes if you "milk" the finger it does help , like sugar said washing hands in warm water really does work
Thanks Mike......I'll try that. Sugarbum, I'm doing that, as I was told that if you don't wash your hands, it could affect the reading.


warm water dilates your vessels. I also struggle sometimes. I get really annoyed when ERROR comes up and thats another strip wasted. Im racking my brains as I saw a new device advertised that only needs 0.3ml of blood instead of the common 0.5ml- this could be useful for you (perhaps I saw it advertised in Balance?). Maybe someone else can help me out here?!😉
Hi All

Newbie here. Well, I'm using an auto inject as part of the checking of my Blood/Gloucose..GL. My problem seems that even with the thing set at 5 (Ouch!!!!), I can't seem to get enough blood to rise, to satisfy the bl**dy machine, and these little strips are not cheap. As I'm doing this three or four times a day at the mo, I'd like a few tips on getting blood.......

Thanks in advance.........No Dracula like posters need

As everyone has said, warming up your hands and hanging your hand down by your side can really help. And 'milking' your finger (eurgh, I hate that phrase!) helps, although be careful that you don't squeeze too much or you can alter the reading.

Don't worry too much about how it hurts, your fingers soon get used to it and toughen up, and you can join the rest of us in having those annoying black dots all over the side of your fingers!
As everyone has said, warming up your hands and hanging your hand down by your side can really help. And 'milking' your finger (eurgh, I hate that phrase!) helps, although be careful that you don't squeeze too much or you can alter the reading.

Don't worry too much about how it hurts, your fingers soon get used to it and toughen up, and you can join the rest of us in having those annoying black dots all over the side of your fingers!

Ha ha im glad its not just me who looks like they've got some contagious black dot disease lol :D
I find a warm drink also helps, you wrap your hand round the cup (make sure it's not too hot or you'll burn your hands). I also massage my hands on a semi regular basis which seems to help.
OK.......great start!!!..memo to self 'Read bl**dy instructions before use'😱😱

Just found out why I'm struggling to get a reading, regardless of putting a pint of blood at a time on the test stip....*note* the on bit😱. I've now read the instructions, and found that the tiniest bit of blood placed on the END of the test strip, works fine. Us men eh!!!!!🙄
We are all guilty of not reading the instructions some times...
yup caroline is spot on took me ages to realise i had to slant my meter to the side slightly and get the blood on 1 of the edges was driving me mad then just re -read the bookletand off i went lol
OK.......great start!!!..memo to self 'Read bl**dy instructions before use'😱😱

Just found out why I'm struggling to get a reading, regardless of putting a pint of blood at a time on the test stip....*note* the on bit😱. I've now read the instructions, and found that the tiniest bit of blood placed on the END of the test strip, works fine. Us men eh!!!!!🙄

And woman.....Lol
DiabeticDave, if you think that's bad I decided one day to train the other half on what do if I am suspected of being hypo.

The other half was more scared at doing me than I was with my first ever use of a finger pricker. So I demonstrated how to change a lancet, insert the a new drum into the meter, turn it on and where to take the blood from the side of my fingers. Said thumbs were out of bounds.

After 6 goes, two cigarettes (to calm the other half's nerves) 5 different fingers and three strips later we got a reading off the meter.

The other half didn't like the click from the pricker (the first priming stroke was funny... the other half expected a needle to come shooting out of the end) or the sight of my blood...:D


Seriously, does anyone else let their other halves do blood tests for them?
i do and he is so brutal with me tez but he had an ex who was diabetic so was easy for him lol , i had my lil lad doing it at one point in the first week of it i was so nervous of the prick noise and it went into my skin ha
yeah my other half knows how to do it, she works in the elderly care sector so is used to sticking things into people with great care and trying to be gentle to. sometimes this dont happen when she stabs me tho lol :D
yeah my other half knows how to do it, she works in the elderly care sector so is used to sticking things into people with great care and trying to be gentle to. sometimes this dont happen when she stabs me tho lol :D

ha ha that's because she has to live with you!!!:D
lol thats probably right :D
lol thats probably right :D

I'm just so glad this thread wasn't actually about peoples body piercings, although it could have been an interesting read :D
hahahahaha yeah it could have been david
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