BMI National Insurance (NI)

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
When I was in the clinic yesterday I got in conversation with a semi-retired free lance reporter. He mainly reported for the locals but also did occasional articles for the nationals and magazines. He said he had been talking to an MP (would not reveal details) and because the "sugar tax" had not cut obesity they were looking at a BMI NI surcharge. A group were discussing bands , calculation method and rates. The starting point was 1p in the £ overweight, 2p obese and 3p morbidly obese. Has anybody else heard about this?
The Chancellor has just cut NI for the second time and says he wants to get rid of it altogether, so I can't see why they would be considering something like this. In any case, wouldn't it be better to reward people for not being overweight, obese or morbidly obese? Why is it always a stick and never a carrot?
That’s ridiculous, if it’s on the grounds of 'People who cost the NHS more' they could charge people who do risk sports, or who knacker their knees running or skiing, people who drive more and might have a higher risk of being involved in an accident, people who attempt their own DIY etc etc…
This seems to be a very strange concept on the basis that peoples weight changes, also people can shrink as they age which affects bmi calculation.
Would they require all adults to be weight checked on a regular basis (eg every 3 months) to catch anyone who had strayed into the obese category?
For those losing weight, would they include a capability to resubmit a weight reading to prove they had moved down a category?
Clearly the weight readings would need verifying by a responsible person as tax fiddles would be too easy if using self reporting ... so weigh-in's at doctors / pharmacies with them submitting the BMI readings?

Clearly I continue to overthink things :confused:
However I can't see this being implemented anytime soon
No. (Feels like the kind of thing I'd have seen speculation/conspiracy theories about on Twitter, and I haven't.)
It would be a nightmare to administer and go down like a lead ballon
This maybe a cynical point of view but the government (especially when we have an election on the horizon) bring in changes to tax, etc. to gain votes. Given over 60% of the population of the UK are overweight or obese, they would not want to risk losing votes from all those people.
This maybe a cynical point of view but the government (especially when we have an election on the horizon) bring in changes to tax, etc. to gain votes. Given over 60% of the population of the UK are overweight or obese, they would not want to risk losing votes from all those people.

I think it's the sort of thing that would crop up after an election. I just hope people ignore these bribed and look at the wider picture. Going back around three/four years there was talk of raising the level at which you stop paying 100% of care fees from ~£22k to ~£75k - nothing has happened. Also NI was increased to improve social care - it hasn't happened. I don't know who I will be voting for just who I won't be voting for. That's ifvi get my postal vote - I have applied three times (once with someone bringing the forms to me) and I still have not got one. Why does nothing work these days?
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