Blurred Vision

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
When anyone has experienced blurred vision due to diabetes or suspected diabetes, has this always initially affected you eyesight 'across the board'? or just in some areas?

I.E Distance, intermediate...(8ft or so) and reading all at the same time or just one or two of these?

I find that when my blood sugar is high and I have blurred vision it only affects things in the distance - I can still see things fine up close.

Likewise with me - when i was first diagnosed, I had blurred vision from about three metres away but up close it was fine. Sorted itself out within 2 days or so.
Hmm...I was the opposite - when diagnosed and my levels were very high (37) I could hardly see at all close up - couldn't read properly without a magnifying glass for a few weeks!😱 Before diagnosis I only needed reading glasses for very small print or in poor light - pretty much returned to that now my levels are 'normal'.
if I am running high my close up vision is affected too. At work my manager sends me for a walk when she notices the font size on my computer has increased and I am using the magnifier more than normal.

Pre diagnosis my vision for reading was quite blurred, but was OK for other things.
Double vision for me sometimes, (but not always), when BG dips very low. Doesn't occur too often these days but some time ago when watching a cricket game, I remember wondering why there were so many fielders on the pitch ... before finally getting the message and downing some Lucozade!

For me, my vision had started getting very blurry right across the board about the time I was diagnosed. Then, once I was put on tablets (and started eating sensibly) it got worse and worse for about 3 - 4 weeks. I was told this was because the meds were getting things back to normal (ie getting rid of excess glucose and the return of the normal amount of moisure in the eye, thus stopping things being pulled out of shape through dryness). Once things had returned to the way they used to be I had no problems at all.

I've never experienced lows so I've no idea what would happen in that circumstance.

I get blurry vision when very high or very low. I haven't noticed whether I can see better near sighted or long sighted when it happens though.
When my levels are extra high I have problems focusing on near objects, in fact sometimes when it's happened at work I can't see to use my computer as my vision is too blurred.
Blurred vision was the thing that alerted me to diabetes in the first place. I went into work and couldn't focus on anything more than a couple of metres away from me. I thought i was bleary eyed and it would wear off, but it didn't, i got scared and went to the local minor injuries unit and they sent me to A+E, who asked me how long i'd been diabetic for 🙂eek🙂. Still, they stuck me on an insulin sliding scale and it'd gone again by that evening, the blurred vision, not the diabetes, unfortunately....😛 Course in retrospect that explained all the weeing and tiredness and all.
I think my blood sugar was in the 20s and it'd been high for some time and i haven't had it since, thankfully.
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