blurred vision

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2

Since starting on the Metformin tabs, have noticed my eyesight has become quite blurry and unusually, having to wear my reading glasses to see the computer screen. Can anyone shed some light.

Also, maybe a pure coincidence, but I've developed really bad toothache. I'm not registered with a dentist in Norway and wondered what they need to know about Metformin before starting dental treatment?

I did attend an eye doctor last Feb when the optician referred me because of high IOP readings. It turns out I have very thick corneas - is this a symptom of diabetes?

Sorry about the copious amount of questions!

Hi Donna, blurry vision is a common symptom experienced by people who are newly diagnosed - it should settle down in a week or two as your levels return to more normal levels now you have commenced treatment. I had to wear my glasses AND put the computer screen on zoom display for a while, but then things returned to normal. It's not a side effect of metformin, apart from the fact that the metformin will be helping bring your levels down.

It's possible that your higher levels prior to diagnosis have encouraged a tooth infection so you should get it seen to as soon as you can - I had numerous problems with my teeth before I was diagnosed but nothing since (I hope!). The dentist may want to know what medicine you are on, but metformin shouldn't affect treatment unless he decides to give you anti biotics. If he does, then tell your doctor about this as he may wish you to stop taking the metformin for a while.

People with diabetes are more prone to cataracts and glaucoma, but that doesn't necessarily mean you will get them, or that diabetes would be the cause.

No problems about all the questions - part of the reaon why we are here! 🙂
Your eyes should settle in a week or two but if they don't get things checked out.

Also get the tooth checked out too. Things are easier to treat when caught early, and if you leave the infection, as a diabetic it will be harder to treat.
Thanks for the info.

I thought I was going slightly mad (or more so than usual)!

I'm feeling very shivery this morning - again, is this is side effect of medication of lowerling bg levels?

My levels are always he highest in the morning. These are yesterday's readings:-

9.4, 8.1,6.8,7.8,6.1,5.4,5.3,8.9,9.1

9.4 was on rising
8.1 after breakfast
6.8 before exercise
7.8 after snack
6.1 after exercise
5.4/5.3 before dinner
8.9 1 hr after dinner
9.1 after snack of apple

Do you think I'm on the right track?

Donna x:confused:

I am now on 2 x Metaformin tabs 500mg and so far, seem okay!

Being shivery could be your boduy is getting used to the lower glucose levels, it happens to many people. Vould also be that things are getting colder, I am in the office with gloves on because I am cold.
Those levels look great Donna. I imagine that the fasting levels (the waking ones) will come down in time. Some people experience a rise in levels in the morning, especially if they don't eat fairly soon after getting up. This is because the liver gives a glucose 'boost' to get you ready for the day. With diabetes though, this boost isn't shut off as efficiently as in a non diabetic person so can continue to rise. Eating something will help trigger the mechanism that stops the liver giving this extra glucose into the blood.
Hi Northerner

With reference to the waking one's being higher, I find I'm not at all hungry when I get up and usually land up having brunch. I know this is probably not good and I should make myself eat something. What would you suggest for breakfast, as I'm not really into eggs and bacon, getting sick of it already! I've found peanut butter on two small ritz type crackers do the trick?

From my reading, I understand that high blood sugars can cause blurred vision, mine was very blurry at diagnosis and I've been having similar problems lately. As Alan says, I had the specs on and actually used the screen magnifier supplied with Microsh*t for a while. Thanks to Firefox for providing a way to adjust pages so the text and/or images can be enlarged on a site by site basis.

I have difficulty eating first thing too and often end up having brunch. If I do get to breakfast it's usually home made yoghurt and berries, wholegrain toast and Olivio, or oatmeal (Scots style with salt and pepper, not sugar or fruit). I sometimes have a grill up at weekends but that takes too long in the mornings and I'm a very slow starter.
Hi Donna, sorry to hear about your blurred vision.

High sugar levels can affect your eyes - some people experience blurred vision which reverses when sugar levels come under control. I am guessing that the drop in your sugare may have caused the change in your vision - but in your case it appears to have caused a blurring. It may be temporary and will rectify when your levels become consistent. As I say I am only guessing - I would visit the optician as he/she will be able to check for any other causes of the blurring (as there are several) and advise on whether the problem is temporary. Opticians don't like giving prescription if you have poor control (not saying you have) as any change in control can alter the prescription.

I would try and find a dentist and get your teeth checked - you could try salt water washes to sooth things.
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