Blown Sensor!

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I only put on my third sensor five days ago but today after getting (for me) a good overnight run it decided it needed replacing! Problem is I have no spare sensor. I have spoken with Abbot and they are sending a replacement. It is a real pain in the finger! 🙂 I really need a spare or two but get the impression that bar insulin the GP (from higher up?) do not want you to build up an emergency supply of anything! The Libre is so, so useful and if I had had one when I first requested one over four years ago I might not be a uniped!

MikeyBikey random rambling No. 37
I am lucky that my GP never seems to keep track of my orders. At least nothing has been declined. That said, I have never taken the proverbial.
I found that with replacement of faulty sensors, I built up a small stash over time.
And was able to submit extra prescription requests over Christmas and holidays.
Unlike others, I have never had a regular prescription because nothing (until Libre) has been used at a predictable rate.
That’s real back luck with your sensor giving up the ghost after just 5 days. I do get around 25% failure rate, which is pretty shocking really. Failures have either been reading significantly lower than BG or adhesive failures. Even so, my impression is still positive, I guess as the ”good” sensors last the full 14 days, there is a reasonably long time between hitting failures.

Like @helli , I have been really lucky in building up a small stash from getting replacements from Abbott for failures (which they’ve always been really good and efficient about) and also this past Christmas my pharmacy by error put in a double request for my repeat prescription which meant I had an extra 2 sensors that month. The GP didn’t query it and I went ahead and continued with my regular repeats for 2 sensors per month from January onwards without any problems. I reason that having spares is very useful to cope with holidays and failed sensors and I‘m not wasting them at all as they will all eventually be used.

I wonder whether you could ask your GP for a couple of spares to cover situations where there is a failure and you are left without a sensor altogether?
I only put on my third sensor five days ago but today after getting (for me) a good overnight run it decided it needed replacing! Problem is I have no spare sensor. I have spoken with Abbot and they are sending a replacement. It is a real pain in the finger! 🙂 I really need a spare or two but get the impression that bar insulin the GP (from higher up?) do not want you to build up an emergency supply of anything! The Libre is so, so useful and if I had had one when I first requested one over four years ago I might not be a uniped!

MikeyBikey random rambling No. 37
Would it be possible to buy an extra from the supermarket? Tesco pharmacy sell them vat free at £35 each.
What a coincidence! I rarely get out but friends are taking me out this afternoon and a visit to Tesco was on the cards. Thank you...

You get a flower!
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Try phoning the Tesco Pharmacy straightaway to check they have one in stock and ask them to put it on one side for you. I had your difficulty, duff sensor and no reserve, last November and went hunting. Tesco didn't have it in stock, but after explaining my urgent need they sourced one within a couple of hours. I've no idea how or where that sensor came from, but it was a successful supply by them.
I only put on my third sensor five days ago but today after getting (for me) a good overnight run it decided it needed replacing! Problem is I have no spare sensor. I have spoken with Abbot and they are sending a replacement. It is a real pain in the finger! 🙂 I really need a spare or two but get the impression that bar insulin the GP (from higher up?) do not want you to build up an emergency supply of anything! The Libre is so, so useful and if I had had one when I first requested one over four years ago I might not be a uniped!

MikeyBikey random rambling No. 37
I'm up to 5 spare now, order 2 a month, but they don't know I'm returning half and getting replaced when they pack in early.
You do build up a reserve of spares when you have some failures. It is probably the only positive to come out of what is otherwise a frustrating situation, so being without a sensor is generally only something that occurs until you have a failure or two and then you end up with a small reserve stock with the replacements and your prescription ones. Hope your replacement sensor arrives soon Mikey. Did you manage to acquire one at Tesco?
You do build up a reserve of spares when you have some failures. It is probably the only positive to come out of what is otherwise a frustrating situation, so being without a sensor is generally only something that occurs until you have a failure or two and then you end up with a small reserve stock with the replacements and your prescription ones. Hope your replacement sensor arrives soon Mikey. Did you manage to acquire one at Tesco?
Do you bother like day 12 on or think it's more hastle than its worth?
Do you bother like day 12 on or think it's more hastle than its worth?
I very rarely get failures but I may have had one on day 13 and didn't bother to report it but day 10 I did. I tend to think that I owe it to the NHS to report all failures now but I think the day 13 may have been in the early days when I was self funding. The last problem I had was probably over 6 months ago so it's not really something I have had to deliberate too often.
Do you bother like day 12 on or think it's more hastle than its worth?
I report them all. You value the cost when self funding.
You do build up a reserve of spares when you have some failures. It is probably the only positive to come out of what is otherwise a frustrating situation, so being without a sensor is generally only something that occurs until you have a failure or two and then you end up with a small reserve stock with the replacements and your prescription ones. Hope your replacement sensor arrives soon Mikey. Did you manage to acquire one at Tesco?

No! It took ages and two attempts to get through to the nearest Tesco with a pharmacy. They basically said they do get them in but only a few but they go quickly. My thought was why no get a larger quantity in but I was just told to contact my own pharmacy as I do not use them (Tesco pharmacy). I do not really use them as they said they would relocate the ICI Recreation Club in Welwyn Garden City, demolished it and built something else and never relocated our club as promised!
I am lucky that my GP never seems to keep track of my orders. At least nothing has been declined. That said, I have never taken the proverbial.
I found that with replacement of faulty sensors, I built up a small stash over time.
And was able to submit extra prescription requests over Christmas and holidays.
Unlike others, I have never had a regular prescription because nothing (until Libre) has been used at a predictable rate.

One of my meds comes in a pack of 30 and not 28. Previously I used to build up a small stock and not request every 15/16 months. Now instead of a sealed box I get one that has been opened and two tablets cut off the foil! Considering the tablets cost the NHS about 1p each the whole exercise is a waste of time and money! :(
No! It took ages and two attempts to get through to the nearest Tesco with a pharmacy. They basically said they do get them in but only a few but they go quickly. My thought was why no get a larger quantity in but I was just told to contact my own pharmacy as I do not use them (Tesco pharmacy). I do not really use them as they said they would relocate the ICI Recreation Club in Welwyn Garden City, demolished it and built something else and never relocated our club as promised!
Once you have at least a couple of spare sensors, it is so easy to get a replacement from Abbott. I keep a spare in my car too, in case a sensor fails when away from the house.

I'd never want to go back to finger pricking 8 times a day. Even for a day.

I'd even like to see Abbott "fix" their system so you can start the next sensor before the old one ends, so no 1 hour gap in between.
Do you bother like day 12 on or think it's more hastle than its worth?
I have just had a sensor fail (adhesive failed and it fell off my arm overnight) it was on day 13. I debated whether to report it or not and decided in the end to do so (using the Abbott online form so no hassle). I reckoned that Abbott need to know about all failures, otherwise there is no chance they can improve quality control, etc. if nobody tells them about issues, even if near the end of the sensor’s life. Abbott responded by email the next day to say they would be sending a replacement.
One of my meds comes in a pack of 30 and not 28. Previously I used to build up a small stock and not request every 15/16 months. Now instead of a sealed box I get one that has been opened and two tablets cut off the foil! Considering the tablets cost the NHS about 1p each the whole exercise is a waste of time and money! :(
Ask your GP to change the prescription back to 30?
What a coincidence! I rarely get out but friends are taking me out this afternoon and a visit to Tesco was on the cards. Thank you...
Could be worse, if it was Costco, you'd have probably come out with more than just a libre sensor and a few groceries. I'm thinking, petrol generators, hot tubs, 60" tv's, concrete mixer, shed, karaoke machine etc lol
wow that sounds even better then. Yes I've always been charged £35 for a sensor at Tesco superstore.
I believe £35 is about the price the NHS pay for them, so you are getting it at “prescription rates” rather than buying as a retail customer.
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