Blotchy tongue


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi, I wanted to ask - has anyone come across having a blotchy tongue before? No pain and it doesn't look like thrush but could it be a sign of anything else? White and red blotches. I'm Mum to a diabetic T1 son who was diagnosed at 18. Thank you.
Welcome @Parent1 🙂 Until you said that it didn’t look like thrush,I was going to say thrush, as the red and white blotches are very common in that. Is he at all unwell? Has he burnt his mouth recently? Does he eat a healthy diet (thinking of vitamin deficiencies)?

He could ask a pharmacist to take a look at it.
Hi, I wanted to ask - has anyone come across having a blotchy tongue before? No pain and it doesn't look like thrush but could it be a sign of anything else? White and red blotches. I'm Mum to a diabetic T1 son who was diagnosed at 18. Thank you.
There is a condition called beefy tongue which if you look at the images on google you may be able to see if it looks like that. It is caused by a type of anaemia or various vitamin deficiencies like B12.
I would say a visit to the GP would be justified.
Hi all, Thank you for your replies. He does eat well and has said his tongue has been like it for ages. he doesn't think it's thrush. He does take vitamins. I don't think it looks like 'beefy tongue' @Leadinglights but thank you. He's very slim and is usually well. He was diagnosed at 18 but is 28 now and he hates talking about diabetes and health so it makes it really hard to have a conversation as I get the rolling eyes even though he's 28. I was just worried, it's very difficult to help when someone doesn't want it though. I just wondered if it was a common thing in diabetes that I hadn't heard of with the blotchy tongue. To me it does sound like thrush but then there's a thing called 'geographic tongue' on google which looks similar to thrush but is apparently harmless. Thanks so much for your feedback though. I have suggested he let a nurse take a look but whether he does or not I'll never know. As a parent it's hard to switch off 'Mum mode' even when your kids get older. You just want them to be ok. Thanks again.
Hi all, Thank you for your replies. He does eat well and has said his tongue has been like it for ages. he doesn't think it's thrush. He does take vitamins. I don't think it looks like 'beefy tongue' @Leadinglights but thank you. He's very slim and is usually well. He was diagnosed at 18 but is 28 now and he hates talking about diabetes and health so it makes it really hard to have a conversation as I get the rolling eyes even though he's 28. I was just worried, it's very difficult to help when someone doesn't want it though. I just wondered if it was a common thing in diabetes that I hadn't heard of with the blotchy tongue. To me it does sound like thrush but then there's a thing called 'geographic tongue' on google which looks similar to thrush but is apparently harmless. Thanks so much for your feedback though. I have suggested he let a nurse take a look but whether he does or not I'll never know. As a parent it's hard to switch off 'Mum mode' even when your kids get older. You just want them to be ok. Thanks again.
One thing you (or he ) could do would be to take a photograph of his tongue and sent to the GP if you have a mechanism for that.
If it is thrush then the pharmacist should be able to give some suitable medication.
Dear @Parent1 - mum mode never stops but then children rolling their eyes at parents reactions never stops either! The grim reaper's the only bugger that can stop it! <3