Bloods rising after no carb breakfast

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Folks,

Have been experiencing a bit of a rise in my bloods the past two mornings after having a no carb breakfast of eggs and ham. Was 7.8 at 7am this morning and am now 10.2 at 9.30am. Yesterday was much the same had changed my set though yesterday and put it down to a bad site so changed it and things improved but now wondering if it was that as same happening today. Am planning on doing a fasting basal test tomorrow morning. But was wondering if anyone else has a similar reaction when they eat eggs.
Hi CBK, we have found that when eating a meal that includes carbs, my son only needs insulin to cover the carbs, and the protein and fat in the meal do not affect his blood sugar. But if the carbs are cut out and he is just eating e.g. bacon and egg, some of the protein/fat metabolises into glucose and causes a rise. Tricky to know how much insulin to give him in this situation though! So for testing basals, he has to skip a meal completely, not just cut out the carbs.
Thanks Redkite really interesting to hear about your sons experience with eggs and bacon will need to fast when doing a basal test as well I think.

Thanks Mike for the links interesting reading, will need to do a few experiments to determine best way forward.

Now wondering if this will happen with all protein based breakfasts ah well just have to experiment and see.

Thanks again K.
please do read the sticky regarding basal testing 🙂
Like many type 1's I find just protein and or fat is a killer on blood sugars.
They do say now that SF jelly is ok if starving whilst basal testing.
Hi CBK there are a lot of comments on this site about people finding similar results - ie bGs rise despite no carbs. Check out all the advice as posted above but it's really important that a fasting test is just that - ie fasting - no food (other than the jelly which has been ok'd).

Be careful about caffeine too, this can muck about with hormones in the body (including that found in some meds such as codamol/paracetamol products).

i'm as Redkite explained - if I eat carbs with protein I just need to account for carbs, but if I'm eating a carb free meal then I have to bolus for that to count for the body'sconversion of the protein/fat into glucose. my pump is handy in that you can give yourself an extended bolus so this can be used against the slower glucose conversion rate that applies to protein and fats.
Yep agree with all of the above by everyone.

Interesting you say about caffeine Dory. I think this is right as well. I believe that caffeine helps with hypos as well which is why full sugar coke works better than those fizzy drinks without caffeine. Someone told me once about the caffeine, no idea who though or when, just one of those nuggets of info that hangs around in my head 🙂
Thanks everyone for your advice, interesting to hear everyone's experiences and the different things that effect there readings really helps. Thanks again.
always find that omelettes raise my bgs despite zero carbs, so I bolus for approx 25g carb...seems to work for me. I don't need to for boiled or poached eggs though.
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