Bloods going low without insulin after eating carbs and soft drinks

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I have gone low 3 times today and i have had no insulin i have had abit of a binge had 2 redbulls and a coke plus had chicken curry with butterd naan and a chocolate bar with no isulin and have not been active but i have gone low 3 times anyone know why this is
I have gone low 3 times today and i have had no insulin i have had abit of a binge had 2 redbulls and a coke plus had chicken curry with butterd naan and a chocolate bar with no isulin and have not been active but i have gone low 3 times anyone know why this is
Did you inject the correct dose of basal insulin and was it definitely your basal insulin you injected.
Yes 50 units of levimire thismorning and 5 units for breakfast and since the 5 i have not had any fast acting and had akot of carbs just dont understand why i have gone low 3 times today
How long have you been diagnosed?
50 units of Levemir is quite a lot and if you are relatively newly diagnosed (perhaps in the first year or two) you are likely in the honeymoon period where your own insulin production is still kicking in. There is sometimes a period in the first few months where you are started on insulin and that gives your remaining beta cells a bit of breathing space and they regroup after the strain of working flat out has eased and can then start to produce more insulin again, so I would suspect your Levemir dose may now be too much, particularly if you see a trend happening over a few days.
The great thing about Levemir is that it is pretty flexible, so any adjustments you make are more or less stable in the first day after making the change whereas other longer basal insulins take about 3 days to see the full impact of any adjustment you make. If you are fairly newly diagnosed and not confident to adjust your Levemir and this trend continues or your levels drop significantly overnight as well, then you need to contact your DSN to discuss a reduction or if you can't get hold of them for advice since we are now into the weekend and you are dropping low overnight then try a reduction in the morning. The most important thing is to prevent hypos and particularly nocturnal hypos to keep yourself safe.

Obviously you can't take any of that Levemir back out of your body so I would make sure your levels are at least 10 or above at bedtime tonight and set your Libre or other CGM alarm at well above 4 probably at least 5, so you have a bit of notice to treat it if your levels do drop overnight ... and keep hypo treatments close by the bed.

There are some people who have been diagnosed and been on insulin for a few months and then gradually their dose reduces down to nothing or just tiny amounts for a period of time and then usually they start to need some again, so it isn't uncommon for it to happen. If you have been diagnosed years or decades then this is much less likely the cause and it may just be the warmer weather causing your basal to be more effective.
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