Blood up my cannula??!

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
So this has happened a few times now but not as bad as today...
I changed my infusion set this morning and it's been quite sore ever since. I didn't really think anything of it assuming I'd just hit a nerve or something but after about 5 hours I thought it was a bit ridiculous, so I had a look and there was blood in the tube from the site to about 10cm up :S
I have now changed the set again but again there is still a bit of blood at the connection and I'm at a bit of a loss as to what is going on!

Any advise/reassurances??
Could the earlier one have been down to some trauma ? Could you have knocked it? You were right to change it as it should not hurt - that is a sign something is up. Also if blood seeping up the tube I would be concerned about it eventually sticking to the tubing and being problematic, not that I know it would be IYKWIM!
If there is a bit of blood now at the connection have you tried a bolus to see if you can flush the blood through? Might be enough to get the tube clear. 🙂
Just to add, what size cannula are you using, could that be an issue ?
I don't think I've knocked it or anything today, I haven't really done much because I'm just revising! And I've tried bolusing and it's not going anywhere but surprisingly it's not affecting my BG levels :/ I'm currently using a 6mm cannula, so again I don't really get why this has happened!
My daughter gets the odd bleeder v occassionally, most probably nicking a capilary here and there.

How had your levels been with the earlier dodgy one?
If your levels have been fine with this one then must be ok, and your 6mm's can't be an issue.

(lol revising far too straining!!)
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