Blood thinning medication and bg levels

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Saw my grandad today, he's type 2, pretty well controlled, hba1c is usually around 7 which is great particularly as he has a lot of other health problems. He's on metformin.

He asked me to test his blood with my meter as he was concerned that there was something wrong with his. I did and he was 4.4 and after lunch 4.8 ... so far so good!

However this is quite a bit lower than he's used to sitting, on chatting he said the reason he was worred his meter was broken is because it keeps coming up with 'lo' when he tests in the morning..... this of course made me a little more concerned!

Now all meters are different, but to get a 'lo' you must be pretty low, I think my meter it's below 1.6 . I've told him to get down the the GP Monday morning to review his dosages. The only thing that seems to have changed recently is that he's gone on a blood thinning medication (can't remember the name) just wondered if anyone had any experience of going on this type of medication and it's impact on bg levels? He's not changed his diet, exercise regieme etc.
The honest answer is I don't know - but my FIL is on warfarin and nearly every medication he is given can interfere with that. It is really hard for him to get a consistent INR.
I don't know either, but if the blood is thinned I would expect the BG to reduce.
Googling I found this:

Warfarin has all sorts of interactions with other drugs and even food and drink ((no green tea) and no alcohol). Although I once Knew one of the first people to go on Warfarin and his dosage was enough to kill a normal person and he drank gin and tonic a lot.

I should get him to test the meter with a control solution or try another meter (yours?) and if in doubt take him to his GP. Seems a bit unlikely that he is that low without any symptoms.
Aymes, how is your grandad? I hope everything is OK with him.

My mum and an elderly friend are both on warfarin with no problems, but they are not diabetic.
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