blood test results

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Help !! i got a letter from gp today as my colesterol levels have risen again to 5.9 they say it should be less than 5 ....the break down is
TRG 2.9
HBC 1.1
LBL 3.5
total ratio 5.4

im sorry the abbrevations are probably wrong but i couldnt hear the secretary properly so i wrote what i thought she said :(

TRANSLATION needed please
they sent me another diet sheet and wants another test in 3 months ...but i am seeing dsn tomorrow and Im sure she'll explain it all then but if any one can help me now i would appriciate it x

ps i was going to do guess the HbA1c but its the same as last time ..6.4
Hi Am, well done on maintaining the HbA1c 🙂 The abbreviations are TRG -triglycerides, HDL - High Density Lipoproteins ('good' cholesterol) and LDL - Low Density Lipoproteins ('bad' cholesterol). The LDL is always higher than the HDL. Can't help you much more than that at the moment, but 5.9 isn't massively high. Might be worth checking out the book on this thread, I found it very useful in explaining the whole cholesterol business:
LDL is bad cholesterol and HDL is good as Phil says you want HDL to be better

TRG may mean triglycerides im not to sure all very confusing lol.

Well done on the Hba though steady as she goes x
HBC should be HDL and LBL should be LDL.

Basically you would want the HDL levels to be higher and the LDL levels lower.

For an explaination see link below.

thank you so much phil id looked up blood test results and it all just becomes goblygook to me but your link helped perfectly xx
so my LDL is 3.5 and it should be lower and my HDL is 1.1 but should be higher ....ok understand thanks
i think the trig last time was 4.4 so that has come down ...i will go and check !
couldn't find the info...oh well will ask DSN tomorrow feeling a bit :( over the colesterol stuff i dont really want to go on statins more eggs or cheese for me :(
couldn't find the info...oh well will ask DSN tomorrow feeling a bit :( over the colesterol stuff i dont really want to go on statins more eggs or cheese for me :(

Hi AM, it's not so much the dietary cholesterol you need to watch out for it's the saturated fat in food. Also, triglycerides will be raised by high alcohol consumption - not that I'm suggesting you are guilty of that! 🙂
Hi AM, it's not so much the dietary cholesterol you need to watch out for it's the saturated fat in food. Also, triglycerides will be raised by high alcohol consumption - not that I'm suggesting you are guilty of that! 🙂

ummmm been much better at the alcohol non 😱 consumption more recently ...🙄 but im goina have to be stricter at not picking the chicken skin and the crackling ...but hey ho i seem to have got the sugar bit under control for the rest ...onwards and upwards xxx
ummmm been much better at the alcohol non 😱 consumption more recently ...🙄 but im goina have to be stricter at not picking the chicken skin and the crackling ...but hey ho i seem to have got the sugar bit under control for the rest ...onwards and upwards xxx

🙄 raises hand also guilty of picking at the chicken skin.

I hope you get the advice you need tomorrow. Well done on maintaining the hba1c xx
🙄 raises hand also guilty of picking at the chicken skin.

ok steffy from now on if we are temped by the chicken skin we can hit the virtual pub and have as much as we like .... that and all the gooey bits that taste amazing !! hehee
Im also gulty of eating and loving salami :( thats going to be another no no and probably why the ole Col is up :( ummm i might open a virtual sandwich bar in here ...maybe get a franchaise going in the pub !!! heheee

thanks emma re the HbA1c x
ummmm been much better at the alcohol non 😱 consumption more recently ...🙄 but im goina have to be stricter at not picking the chicken skin and the crackling ...but hey ho i seem to have got the sugar bit under control for the rest ...onwards and upwards xxx

🙄 raises hand also guilty of picking at the chicken skin.

Don't know how anyone can eat chicken skin, the thought of it is making me feel yuk!!! Can't stand fatty meat or bacon rind anything like that...
Don't know how anyone can eat chicken skin, the thought of it is making me feel yuk!!! Can't stand fatty meat or bacon rind anything like that...

I'm with you on that Squidge - I always remove chicken skin or excess fat from any meat *shudder*! 😱
HBC should be HDL and LBL should be LDL.

Basically you would want the HDL levels to be higher and the LDL levels lower.

For an explaination see link below.

Current recomendations are ...

Total cholesterol
< 4.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

LDL cholesterol
< 2.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

HDL cholesterol
≥ 1.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, and those at high risk of the disease
Current recomendations are ...

Total cholesterol
< 4.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

LDL cholesterol
< 2.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

HDL cholesterol
≥ 1.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, and those at high risk of the disease

thank you peter that is exactly the info i needed 🙂 i had wondered earlier wheres peter c when you need him 🙂

so my LDL is too high by at least 1.5
my HDL is ok
my over all need to reduce by 1.9 at least ...
thank you 🙂
Current recomendations are ...

Total cholesterol
< 4.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

LDL cholesterol
< 2.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, diabetes, or at high risk of developing cardiovascular disease

HDL cholesterol
≥ 1.0 mmol/l in individuals with established cardiovascular disease, and those at high risk of the disease

The important Total to HDL Ratio should be under 4 ( 5.4 in Am's figures).
This ratio is thought to be a better indicator of CVD than some of the raw numbers.
The important Total to HDL Ratio should be under 4 ( 5.4 in Am's figures).
This ratio is thought to be a better indicator of CVD than some of the raw numbers.

that is my prob isnt it peter my ratio is 5.4 ...ok i need to get this sorted xx
thanks 🙂
ok saw my DSN and we compared results with last time
21/09/09 ...................5/05/10
HbA1c 6.4 ................ 6.4
TRIG 3.8.................... 2.8
HDL 1.1 .................. 1.1
LDL 3.7 ................... 3.5
Total 6.5 ....................5.9
so infact she was really pleased as they are generally lower than before ...she was pleased that the total had gone down .6 .... and doesnt think the gp will want to put me on statins PHEW ....onward and upward and feeling alot happier
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have i got this right ?? my colesterol levels in oct were 6.5 and now they are 5.9 thats means i havent risen at all.... im going down ....:confused:
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