Blood test reading

Hello. My most recent blood test result was 37. Please forgive my not remembering the name of the blood test. It's the 3 monthly test my GP does. I'm on Metformin and have D2. Do you think that is a good result? Thank you.
It's an HbA1c test and anything below 42 is normal so no, it's not a good result - it's excellent. Well done.
Hello Martin. Thank you for the reply and praise. I'm surprised I'm doing so well as my diet is not excellent even though I try my best. Wishing you good health. Paschal.
Congratulations, that's a great result.
Hello. My most recent blood test result was 37. Please forgive my not remembering the name of the blood test. It's the 3 monthly test my GP does. I'm on Metformin and have D2. Do you think that is a good result? Thank you.
Well done. That's a very positive result :party::party::party:
Fab result. Well done. Now all you have to is maintain it :D
General question on this thread and in view of Paschal incredible result of 37, would it be normal to take her/him of the meds ??
Unfortunately, my GP doesn't want me to come off Metformin because I had a slight heart attack 5 years ago and had 4 stents put in. I say "slight" because I was actually unaware of it for the most part. I think I'm stuck with diabetes meds.
Unfortunately, my GP doesn't want me to come off Metformin because I had a slight heart attack 5 years ago and had 4 stents put in. I say "slight" because I was actually unaware of it for the most part. I think I'm stuck with diabetes meds.
Well, I guess the Dr knows best and at the end of the day it's working for you, so well done and keep doing whatever you're doing
Alan 😉
Congratulations @Paschal - that’s a great result 🙂