Blood Test Kit/Bag

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I was just wondering if anyone has found a decent bag/case to keep your kit altogether in? I don't particularly like the one that the meter comes with but haven't found a nice alternative that is suitable. I have seen the adverts in the Balance mag but those bags look quite large.
A lot of people find pencil cases a good idea - lots of different types to choose from! 🙂
Hi newbs, yep I keep my testing kit in a small pencil case/make up bag thing that cost me ?1 from Primark, and I keep all my pump spares in an awesome pencil case I got from Paperchase (it has lots of little pockets, perfect for batteries, spare needle for the insulin pen, etc!)

I hate the cases that come with any kind of kit - they're so boring looking! Mine are really bright and colourful.
Ooh, I like that idea!!! I never thought about using something like a pencil case - for the past 6 weeks or so my pump spares have been rattling around in my bag in a big plastic freezer bag (I'm such a classy bird lol!)

I have mixed & matched different lancet devices with meters though - found I could eke out a bit more space that way & fit in a second empty tub for old test strips (which used to drive me batty when not near a suitable bin!).

Right - adding pencil case to shopping list! 🙂
I use a clear plastic pencil case (less than ?1.00) from any stationers

It hold new needles, insulin pens, a 7 day pill box.
Hi newbs, yep I keep my testing kit in a small pencil case/make up bag thing that cost me ?1 from Primark, and I keep all my pump spares in an awesome pencil case I got from Paperchase (it has lots of little pockets, perfect for batteries, spare needle for the insulin pen, etc!)

I hate the cases that come with any kind of kit - they're so boring looking! Mine are really bright and colourful.

I noticed your pencil case Shiv when at B'ham and thought "hey, good idea" Went and bought a cute winnie the pooh one for my pen the other day, makes me grin now when I use it :D
How creative do you feel? I know a few people who have personalised their kit bags. I got some bright pink, blue and yellow fabric paints in tubes and put things like flowers and stars on mine as well as my name.
For my meter and that I use an old bag that came with a Roche Accu Chek Aviva Nano which seems to work rather well with a little alteration. For everything else, there are my pockets!

I now feel boring that my blood test kit is in it's original case and my injections are in their cases too.......

pencil cases here I come!!!
Another vote for a cheap, but stylish, pencil case for kit I carry out each day. Actually, I need to start looking for a new one, as current lining is beginning to peal off after about 3 years daily use.

Rest of my kit (diabetes, plus contact lenses / glasses) stays in a bumbag, which hangs from bedpost at home and is attached to bedposts in shared hostel domitories or taken camping etc.
I had never thought about using a pencil case before, always used the case it came in. I'm a little behind on this one, obviously! 🙂
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