Blood test for HbA1c

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I'm needle-phobic and get very scared and uptight when I have to go for a blood test. I get the cream that numbs the site beforehand, but I still find the whole experience very traumatic - I will avoid all blood tests if I possibly can - so much so that I turned down a place on a DAFNE course as I wasn't told I'd have to have one before I could attend. For me, it's the hurdle that I just can't get over. Does anyone have any advice?
The machine they use at the hospital I addend only requires a tiny amount of blood from a finger prick similar to a BG test.
When I have an HbA1c - they just take a pinprick from my ear! I must admit I am OK with giving my own injections but get nervous when other people have to do them or take blood - taking blood is particularly painful as I have very deep set veins - the nurse at my GP clinic cannot take my blood and I always have to go to hospital for a test which is a real PIA - even there it sometime takes 2- 3 goes. If I am ill it is even worse - they have had to take it from my groin before! Not a lot of useful advice I am afraid. How about trying deep breathing exercises - I always find breathing calmly and thinking about a nice beach helps me cope with things I don't like! And DEFINITELY don't look as that makes your anxiety levels work. I knwo my idea is simple - but it really works!
Is this in place of the test that I currently have? ie nurse @ the local surgery. I would pay a fortune not to have to go through that every 6 months
Yeah.... the A1c test they do is in place of the surgery one BUT you doctor is probably ordering other tests at the same time cholesterol, triglycerides, liver function etc
I'm like a frightened child with this. I know I have to have it and why etc etc but the thought terrifies me. I can do the daily injections (although I only eat once a day to keep them to a minimum) but the blood tests really traumatise me. I can't go on my own, i hyper-ventilate and so on. If I could find a way to avoid having a needle put into a vein I'd jump at it.
Hi Alan

When I have my HBA1C done they just do a fingerprick test but they need more blood so they keep squeezing for longer than usual. That is done at the diabetic clinic. Where do you go for this blood test? I have been once or twice to the hospital (not the diabetic clinic part) where you take a ticket and queue and they use a needle to get the blood from your arm. That is not nice, I much prefer the clinic.

How are you coping with insulin injections? Have you considered the pump? It is not widely available on the NHS but I think it is available for people like you with bad needle phobia.
You should talk to your DSN. If you fear is affecting you so much that you are not taking proper care of yourself (eg. by only eating once per day) then you need to get help.

Your DSN may be able to help you, or refer you to someone else who can help. There are lots of ways you can be helped, from hypnothrerapy to phobia clinics.
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