blood sugars

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
stupid blood sugars, won't seem to come down from 10-12 ish. And the funny thing is, usually I don't feel high on those levels but right now I'm thirsty - very thirsty which won't shift, scratchy and irritable (and horrifically, nasty tingly hand/wrist again...eeeek 😱). So I thought I'd try a small correction dose just to bring it down but its not all.

Any ideas why I'm feeling really rubbish on these levels? Because to be honest, I didn't think 10-12 was really THAT bad...not good obviously, but not worry worthy...
Have you been having really good numbers recently? If so the difference between then and now may be why you're noticing it more now than you used to. Or maybe it's just one of those diabetes mysterys...! Or maybe you're coming down with a cold or something?

Hope your numbers start to come down soon.
Hi Sam, perhaps you are coming down with a cold or something? My levels go up before I know I'm ill, then I get ill and know why! Hope you are feeling better soon.🙂
hey guys - erm...i don't think I'm coming down with a cold :confused: maybe its swine flu? *cough oink* hehe 😛😛

the levels have been running relatively well for a while, very few in the double figures and mainly on the lower end of the scale, so maybe that's why. Not sure...but its definitely a bit strange :confused:
...Any ideas why I'm feeling really rubbish on these levels? Because to be honest, I didn't think 10-12 was really THAT bad...not good obviously, but not worry worthy...

Now you mention it, I have been feeling rubbish at those kinds of levels. Mostly I have been spot on with my levels but have had the occasional spike and felt rubbish - possibly low, but then tested and found I was 8 or 9. I know it's not high, but it did seem to affect me - maybe as aymes says because I have had such good numbers recently?
it's gone up...

to 15.8 and now i feel proper bad :( and thats despite correcting earlier.


i just don't understand this at all...
hmm sounds like you may be coming down with something!

Have you tested for ketones??
hmm sounds like you may be coming down with something!

Have you tested for ketones??

nope, i dont have any ketones testing stuff...:confused::confused:

dyu know, I think *maybe* its because of what I ate for dinner, very very carbalicious - pizza followed by cake. Maybe I didn't take enough insulin and am paying the price with slightly higher levels? And am feeling so bad because my bodys so used to them being so low just recently?

I dunno, but have corrected again. I *think* I might phone the dsn tomorrow, see if she can give me any advice
It could definitely be the pizza because the fat in the cheese etc delays the absorbtion of the sugars, so people usually get a late spike. Just to be on the safe side make sure you drink plenty of water in case you have ketones, it helps to flush them out 🙂
thanks hun 🙂

i reckon it might be the pizza - it was nice though 🙂

right, lots of water. Got a glass in front of me right now, its the only thing thatll quench the thirst!
hehe, pizza is one of my favourite foods 😉

Drink that water and let us know how you feel tomorrow, hope you feel better in the morning x

(dont worry northerner, im going to bed now!)
nope, i dont have any ketones testing stuff...:confused::confused:

dyu know, I think *maybe* its because of what I ate for dinner, very very carbalicious - pizza followed by cake. Maybe I didn't take enough insulin and am paying the price with slightly higher levels? And am feeling so bad because my bodys so used to them being so low just recently?

I dunno, but have corrected again. I *think* I might phone the dsn tomorrow, see if she can give me any advice

Well I'd blame the Carbs personally !! I have a Love / Hate relationship with them. Maybe you have not covered it with enough Insulin I would think . Hope you feel better soon !!!!
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hi salmonpuff i came into this thread abit late , but how are you feeling now?? xx
3.3 this morning...just tucked into a nice bowl of cornflakes and hoping the sugars don't go all wierd again today 🙂

thanks everyone
3.3 this morning...just tucked into a nice bowl of cornflakes and hoping the sugars don't go all wierd again today 🙂

thanks everyone

Hmm...sounds like the pizza delayed absorption, so you corrected without realising it was that, then the correction sent you low! Hope things are better today, and you now have an experience noted so hopefully it will work better next time. I think some people take their insulin after eating when eating stuff like pizza.
Hmm...sounds like the pizza delayed absorption, so you corrected without realising it was that, then the correction sent you low! Hope things are better today, and you now have an experience noted so hopefully it will work better next time. I think some people take their insulin after eating when eating stuff like pizza.

ah seeeee, i always used to inject after eating with everything but then the nasty doctor yelled at me so i stopped that. It's something to note though, pizza = inject after. Maybe I should write all these things down as and when they happen, leave myself a little checklist or whatever. Infact, I might phone the ole dsn and ask her what's going on with myself (I only found out last week who she is! 3 years and Ive only just found out *facepalm*)

See, my levels are usually really low in the mornings anyway. Very rarely are they above 4...and that's even with lowering various doses. :confused:

I'll probably be running low all day now hehe, tis always the case
...See, my levels are usually really low in the mornings anyway. Very rarely are they above 4...and that's even with lowering various doses. :confused:

I'll probably be running low all day now hehe, tis always the case

I was always low in the morning too - hovering around 4, but since cracking my basal I'm now generally around 4.7-5.4, which is perfect for me. Might be worth having a word with your long-lost DSN about how to improve your basal.
Hi Salmonpuff,

I remember the first time I had pizza during the DAFNE course. With my ratio, I needed to take around 16 units of insulin for it and I remember thinking I was going to hypo for sure, but nope it was spot on. There are a lot of carbs in pizza and it's still what I need to take most insulin to cover. I also need a lot of insulin to cover fish suppers from the chip shop, and thick pastry pies.

Just wondered if it was a shop bought pizza or from a takeaway as i heard takeaway pizza's can often have sugar in the dough!

Also wondered why your doctor shouted at you for doing your needle AFTER eating. I always do my needle after eating these days - especially if I'm in a restaurant where I won;t know the portion size or how much of it I'll finish. I've also been told with the new insulins, because they act so quickly, it's fine to do your injection straight after eating.

I remember the old insulins where you had to inject 30mins before eating which were a nightmare if you took enough to cover a meal and ended up with either a smaller portion than you'd anticipated, or not finishing it all.

I do love this forum - so interesting to see what everyone does differently.

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Hi 🙂 It was a shop brought one, as I'm so poor right now I can't afford a takeaway.

And you know what, I have no idea why he shouted at me...but it was pretty intense. He turned round and said injecting after meals wouldn't counter the spike...or something :confused: i dunno, but he ruined the nice little setup I'd had going for years *grumble*
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