Blood sugars rising

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1.5 LADA
I was diagnosed diabetic last November GAD test proved LADA. I’m taking metformin and forxiga. Seen endocrine consultant March this year told to continue with same drugs and will see him again in October. Hba1c was 49 and my blood sugars were well in range.
The last 2 months my sugars have been rising and for the last 2 weeks have barely dropped below 10mnols.
As I have nearly 3 months before I see anyone do you think I should contact GP?
I control my carbs pretty well and I am continuing to lose weight.
Thanks everyone
If you have been diagnosed as LADA then that is effectively slow onset T1, so you have a bunch of GAD antibodies who are actively setting out to destroy your beta cells. As your glucose levels are now rising it would be worth asking for an earlier appointment.

It may be that they have got rid of enough cells that you now do not have enough insulin to balance the carbs you are eating. Taking tablets won’t work and you have already fLund that you have startEd to lose weight. I eventually got to the point where I lost 1.5 stone in a week and went into Ketoacidosis. Better to to catch it before then and start on insulin, which with LADA they recommend starting early to protect your remaining beta cells.

Don’t wait. Ask.
Yes, definitely speak to your GP. LADA is just a form of Type 1, and the islet cells will fail over time leading to higher blood sugars. Once you’re on insulin, you’ll find control easier and will be able to be more flexible with your diet. It’s also been suggested that early introduction of insulin can help preserve your remaining beta cells for longer.
Hi I am still struggling with my sugar levels fasting levels between 8-10mnols.
Been in touch with GP finally seeing nurse next week she’s talking of putting me on Tresiba once a day still continuing metformin and forxiga to see how this will help my levels
Any advice?
Hi. Good to hear that they are thinking of starting you on Tresiba which is a basal insulin as that should help with your fasting levels. Hopefully they will introduce a bolus (fast acting) insulin soon too, even if you only need tiny doses to start with, it can be beneficial to have both insulins from an early stage but some nurses think it is easier for people to start with just the basal insulin and get into a routine with that before introducing the meal time insulin. The important thing is that they start you on insulin.
Hi. Good to hear that they are thinking of starting you on Tresiba which is a basal insulin as that should help with your fasting levels. Hopefully they will introduce a bolus (fast acting) insulin soon too, even if you only need tiny doses to start with, it can be beneficial to have both insulins from an early stage but some nurses think it is easier for people to start with just the basal insulin and get into a routine with that before introducing the meal time insulin. The important thing is that they start you on insulin.
Hi I’m still waiting on my consultant appointment which is now next Wednesday. My blood sugars are now a lot higher between 9-12mmols fasting and pre meal 12-18mmols. Gp wouldn’t make a decision as under consultant so tried to bring appointment sooner but wasn’t possible.
Still taking metformin and dapagliflozin.
Had bloods done yesterday looks like vitamin b12 out of range could this spike my sugars? Don’t know hba1c levels yet either.
Vitamin B12 low? That could have been happening anyway alongside other issues, but it's also a known possible side effect of metformin
Do you

think they will take me off metformin?
It's difficult for me to predict as type 1/LADA isn't an area I'm in any way expert in. It may well be worth asking about that at your appointment, as well as asking to start insulin.

It is possible that your body may not regain full gut absorption of B12 even if metformin is stopped, so you may need periodic injections of it, depending on exact levels
Hi I’m still waiting on my consultant appointment which is now next Wednesday. My blood sugars are now a lot higher between 9-12mmols fasting and pre meal 12-18mmols. Gp wouldn’t make a decision as under consultant so tried to bring appointment sooner but wasn’t possible.
Still taking metformin and dapagliflozin.
Had bloods done yesterday looks like vitamin b12 out of range could this spike my sugars? Don’t know hba1c levels yet either.

How frustrating for you @sharon101 :( :( :(

I hope they put you on insulin at your appointment - as a form of T1, people with LADA will need insulin sooner or later, and to my mind the earlier you start insulin the sooner you’ll take the pressure off your remaining beta cells.

Slightly surprised you are on Forxiga, because I don’t think that is recommended any more for T1s due to an increased risk of DKA.

It’s a good idea to write down all your questions on a notepad, as it can be all too easy for the appointment to go off at a tangent once the discussion starts.

It might be worth asking about Libre or Decxom One so that you can have access to information about your BG levels ‘between the dots’ of fingerstick checks?
Hi just an update after consultant appointment.
Hba1c gone up to 67 vitamin b12 low 169 I think.
Been put on Tresiba insulin 4units to stay on 100mg metformin twice a day and given cyanocobalamin 50mcg 2 a day for b12.
To keep upping insulin one unit after 3 days till fasting sugars between 5-7mmols.
He’s also referred me to community diabetic nurses to support and look after me.
I’m feeling pleased to have been given some support at long last hope these changes make a difference and I start to feel better. Thanks for listening everyone
Pleased you have been started on insulin at last, even if it is onlky basal insulin. How are you managing with the injections and are you just testing once a day or more frequently? have you been given advice about testing for hypos if you feel wobbly and how to treat a hypo.... and most importantly.... always to have hypo treatments within reach, particularly when you are out and about but also by the bed just in case. I have a little backpack handbag which contains all my testing kit, hypo treatments, my insulin and my phone and some longer acting carbs.... and it goes everywhere with me. by the bed at night, by the shower when i wash (a hot shower, particularly after exercise can drop your BG, on my back when I walk or jog, or horse ride or work in the garden, next to me in the car.... it is almost part of me now and I almost feel naked without it...but this ensures I am always prepared to treat a hypo if I need to.
If you have any questions or concerns about your insulin use, don't be frightened to ask.
Thanks for your reply. I have been given some advice but thanks for yours. I will make sure I have something with me that’s very useful information.
I seem to be coping ok with my injections so far no issues. But thanks for your support most helpful
Hi @sharon101
Firstly, glad you have got some insulin to support you and are finding the jabs okay 🙂

You might want to change your type on your profile to LADA (its showing as t2 on pc). Only reason it matters is someone might give you incorrect advice when they see the t2 tag 🙂

I also deal with a community DSN (linked to local hospital) and its night and day dealing with her vs GP practice. I have found mine to be more understanding with the struggles I have faced as well as listening to what I want to do/try.
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