blood sugars rising.

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Relationship to Diabetes
Does anyone else suffer with a rising blood sugar count after taking other medication. My husband has to keep a diary for his diabetic nurses and he has done his blood sugar this morning and it was 10.3 but after taking his medication for all his other medical problems it has now gone up to 12.7 rather than going down. It's puzzling him!!!!!. thanks in advance.
You need to give more information. No one can even guess what is going on . Is the 10.3 a normal number for fasting? Was the 12.7 after his breakfast and or insulin, have you read the patient inserts for the meds he takes to see if they affect blood sugars?

If those numbers are a regular thing then he needs to increase his insulin.
The 10.3 is a regular occurence before his breakfast and insulin. He usually takes his insulin at 9am, and it went up to 12.7 and we have been asking the doctors for a medication review for ages for his other tablets that he takes as he has numerous illnesses including a rare form of lymphoma, AS,MS, fibromyalgia, bone marrow reconversion syndrome, problems with his thyroid. They have so far not done any
thing about checking if any of his other meds are contraindicatory to his Diabetes.
He has increased his insulin to 30mls.

When does your husband eat breakfast? ie hpw long after injecting the insulin and when was that 12.7 reading taken.
What you may not understand is that there are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels, not just food and medication, so it goes up and down throughout the day and night according to those factors. We are usually more insulin resistant in the morning, so the insulin we inject takes longer to have any effect and breakfast is usually quite a carb heavy meal.... cereals or toast etc. so those carbs can hit the blood stream before the insulin gets going to work on it if we don't inject it far enough in advance of eating. I need to inject my breakfast insulin 45 mins before I eat breakfast to try to match the insulin activity to my food digestion.... that may be longer than your husband needs but if he only injects 10-15 mins before eating breakfast then it will be perfectly normal for his levels to rise and I am surprised it is by so little.
If his levels are rising before he eats breakfast, then that is likely his liver pumping out glucose into his blood stream. This is alled Dawn Phenomenon or for some people, more accurately Foot on the Floor syndrome where their levels start to rise as soon as they get out of bed. Mine can rise by as many as 6mmols if I don't take action, so I inject my insulin just before I get put of bed, so it at least has a fighting chance of keeping on top of things. I then get washed and dressed and make my breakfast and a cup of coffee and then eat. I have a sensor on my arm which I can scan regularly to see what my levels are doing and so I can keep a close eye on when the insulin is winning the battle against Foot on the Floor and that is when I start to eat. This timing is different for everyone and different insulins so you have to find the correct timing for your body with that insulin by carefully extending that prebolus time by a few mins each day until you find the timing that sorks for you.... or your husband in this case. 45mins is excessive but I am certainly not the only person that needs that long.
I appreciate that your husband is on a mixed insulin which means that it is a combination of quick acting and slower release insulin but the "quick acting" part is rarely as quick as we would like it to be 🙄 , so giving it a bit more time to work may be helpful.
The 10.3 is a regular occurence before his breakfast and insulin. He usually takes his insulin at 9am, and it went up to 12.7 and we have been asking the doctors for a medication review for ages for his other tablets that he takes as he has numerous illnesses including a rare form of lymphoma, AS,MS, fibromyalgia, bone marrow reconversion syndrome, problems with his thyroid. They have so far not done any
thing about checking if any of his other meds are contraindicatory to his Diabetes.
He has increased his insulin to 30mls.
Insulin is measured in units not mls so hubby on 30 units of insulin 🙂 What insulin does he take and how often?
Thyroid meds wont have any effect on his diabetes.
Your husband needs to demand a consultation with a diabetes consultant and the hospital team needs to do a multi disciplinary review of what's going on.
Sorry to hear your husband is having a difficult time with his levels, and that appointments and advice are a bit hard to get access to.

Hope you are able to get in front of a Dr and get some support very soon.
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