blood sugars/kidney infection/tiredmy sugar

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
hello my blood sugars about 17/19 and i have just found out i have a kidney infection being treated , i feel tired a lot of the time and find i just want a quick nap once i have had about 20 mins i feel a lot better .is this because my sugars are high all the time
Hi Mick,

i get recurrent kidney infections with my diabetes and feel exactly as you feel described, tired from the higher than usual bloods and tired with the infection. I tend just to curl up and sleep, alot!!

With high bloods i sometimes cant keep my eyes open. literally.

Hope you feel better soon 🙂
When I am down with a cold or anything, my sugars are up and I want to sleep a lot.

I always make sure I get things checked with my doctor because I find it difficult to work when I want to sleep so much. Sometimes I have to go back to work before I am ready, but luckily I have an understanding manager.

You are doing the right thing getting things checked out. Don't forget to take regular meals and unless advised otherwise by medics, keep taking your medications.

I hope you feel better soon.
hello my blood sugars about 17/19 and i have just found out i have a kidney infection being treated , i feel tired a lot of the time and find i just want a quick nap once i have had about 20 mins i feel a lot better .is this because my sugars are high all the time

Mick, it's hardly suprising you are tired with numbers like that you are well over 3 times above a normal level.
Having an infection will add to the whammy too :(
Is there any reason why you can't/haven't increased your insulin to bring your numbers down?
Hope you feel better soon.
get on top of those sugars
.please you will feel better
my rule increase by 1 unit each day and each jab only stop when sugars come down under ten also walk run or jog or games can help but do go mad always keep glucose handy vic type 1 51 years
Is there any symptoms of a kidney infection? or do they just find it when you do a urine test?
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