Blood sugars and Illness

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey chaps and chapettes

I'm pretty new here. I'm a brit currently living in oz and i'm just having a few issues with my blood sugar levels due to a flu-like illness and a sinus infection.

I do have quite boyant levels due to a high metabolism which i'm able to manage well by exercising regularly and a healthy diet. Unfortunately, i've recently succumbed to the man-flu and I have a sinus infection. For the last few days my blood sugars have been going pretty high up to around 24mmol. They haven't stayed there but i'm finding the regular levels of insulin (around 10 novorapid a meal 3x daily) is not having its usual effect. Additionally, i'm not exercising due to the high blood sugars and generaly feeling pretty rubbish.

Does anyone have any advice on how to manage blood sugars during illness, or some examples of what you've done in the past to cope with this.

I'm a bit worried about more longer term effects of running high. Luckily enough I don't have ketones, but its definately a worry.

Hi Andi, welcome to the forum 🙂 Sorry to hear that you are ill - good news that you are testing for ketones and not finding any though. Are you adjusting your insulin at all? Your body will nedd more as you fight the infection, so your normal doses will be insufficient (as you are finding!). There is something called 'Sick Day Rules' which you should follow to help you through this period, this page explains: day rules.htm

It gives some guidance on adjusting insulin, but it is rather specific about the amounts of extra insulin to inject - a lot will depend on your personal ratios, so adjust their recommendations as proportionally. Are you injecting or on a pump?

I hope you are feeling much better soon. A brief period of high levels shouldn't impact you as you sound generally very healthy - just watch out for the ketones! 🙂
I think northerner has said it all 🙂

and remember to keep the fluids up, i hope you feel better soon x
Thanks for all that info. Had a look at the sick day rules, nice and simple, and i'm a big drinker of earl grey so copius amounts is fine 🙂

I've started taking an extra 2 units during my day time meals, but holding off on the nightime as that usually affects the entire day - one thing at once I think. I'm injecting as well, so I think the insulin is just being lazy and taking its time to work. I'm leaving it a little longer between injecting and eating, and that seems to be helping a little as well.

Thanks again for the advice, and i'll keep checking for those ketones.
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