blood sugar

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
dont know if its relevant i started eating sunflower seeds now after a year of double figures on my blood sugars i get low 4.7 even 3.8 (hypo).i wander if they are helping. i understand the hypos may be due to my medication lowering my blood sugar when it doesnt need to be lowered. dr sent me for a h1abc? test.hopefully stable. what do you think? by the way do not eat the husks of them open them or buy dehusked ones you can get them in poundland or home and bargain.
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I see you were having problems with hypos previously @YE2GATHER Have you changed your diet a lot? If you reduced carbs, your insulin might also need reducing.
Have you lost weight? This can reduce the need for insulin too.

Just reduce the insulin by a very small amount at a time until you get good results. Leave a few days or more between each reduction if you beed to refuce more than once.
Have you lost weight? This can reduce the need for insulin too.

Just reduce the insulin by a very small amount at a time until you get good results. Leave a few days or more between each reduction if you beed to refuce more than once.
will need to ask doctor would i be able to reduce insulin.
I, in common with many T1s, make the changes, check the results, and then tell the Dr. if I bother to tell at all. I do this on the grounds that the Dr. only advises; I decide. If you want to tell the Dr. what you are about to do, or seek agreement first that is fine too.

Note the words "very small amount" and "leave a few days" in my answer and you will not go far wrong. You can always change back!
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