Blood Sugar the Day After Drinking..

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I always find that my Blood Sugar levels are alway much better the day after I have been drinking.

Is this because I am more sentivie to my insulin or the effect of the alcohol on the liver?
I think it is because of the effect alcohol has on the liver. The liver finds the drink harder to del with so concentrates on that to clear it before dealing with anything else in a major way.
I think it is because of the effect alcohol has on the liver. The liver finds the drink harder to del with so concentrates on that to clear it before dealing with anything else in a major way.

Would that not suggest then that on a normal day my liver is actually working against me in my fight to get good results........
Would that not suggest then that on a normal day my liver is actually working against me in my fight to get good results........

I think it would suggest that the liver is working normally when you haven't been drinking - remember that your liver doesn't know that your pancreas isn't working properly any more! My levels are also generally better the day after drinking, although if the drinking is a binge over a few days then my control goes to pot.
A partial explanation of what the liver gets up to (because, no doubt, it is far more complicated) is that it can release glucose into the blood stream when it detects the BG levels are low (also known as the dawn phenomenon, but no doubt it can happen at any time).

When alcohol is in the blood stream, the liver is 'too busy' to release this glucose and so that is why there is a greater risk of hypos.

This also explains why it is possible to get a hypo when on metformin, because metformin also restricts the ability of the liver to release glucose into the blood stream.

Oh, and another thing, I don't think that the liver is particularly responsive to low BG levels. It can happen that it will still release the glucose even when you've just eaten and the BG levels are already on the way up, then causing a hyper!

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What is normal function though.......the release of unwanted glucose? An increased resistance due to hormones?

If thats normal is there no pills to take that can regulate the liver in order to make control easier....
A partial explanation of what the liver gets up to (because, no doubt, it is far more complicated) is that it can release glucose into the blood stream when it detects the BG levels are low (also known as the dawn phenomenon, but no doubt it can happen at any time).

When alcohol is in the blood stream, the liver is 'too busy' to release this glucose and so that is why there is a greater risk of hypos.

This also explains why it is possible to get a hypo when on metformin, because metformin also restricts the ability of the liver to release glucose into the blood stream.

Oh, and another thing, I don't think that the liver is particularly responsive to low BG levels. It can happen that it will still release the glucose even when you've just eaten and the BG levels are already on the way up, then causing a hyper!


You answered my question even before I asked
I actually suffer from dawn phenomonon, if I were to ask would metformin be prescribed and ultimately would it succeed in eliminating it.........
I actually suffer from dawn phenomonon, if I were to ask would metformin be prescribed and ultimately would it succeed in eliminating it.........

Interesting point.

The danger would be that you could be at a greater risk of hypo? Insulin + metformin doesn't sound a good combination to me (but, no doubt someone will pop along shortly to contradict me!) :D

Interesting point.

The danger would be that you could be at a greater risk of hypo? Insulin + metformin doesn't sound a good combination to me (but, no doubt someone will pop along shortly to contradict me!) :D


There are some Type1s on metformin, but I think it is only prescribed if you also have high insulin resistance, usually signified by a high insulin dose requirement. If your resistance is just DP then other strategies are probably what is needed (ideally a pump for different basal rates) Type2s usually remain on metformin after starting with insulin for this reason.
Thanks for the info lads.........

Might discuss it with the HCPs the next time I see them........
If I had a choice I wouldn't be on metformin because of its laxative effect. My system has got used to metformin, but if I don't eat enough (especially at breakfast) I spend more time in the loo than out of it. There is no harm in asking and seeing what docs/nurses say, but I'd say don't do it if you don't have to.

Over 2 or more years discussions with my consultant, starting with me being quite anti-pumps, he has been firm that a pump is the only effective way to address dawn phenomenom in type 1s... I asked about different insulins etc but it wouldn't work apparently... I have tried bolusing at 3.30ish am, but it's really hit & miss & only really sustainable in the short - medium term (ie during my pregnancies & for as long as I could cope with it after)... I'm due to go on a pump at the end of the month so hopefully once things get sorted & I'm through the early weeks of checking & tweaking I might get the odd night's full sleep again! 🙂

Re drinking, I think I have a low alcohol tolerance threshold, as I get merry then ill! 😱 Doesn't help my sugar levels having my head down the loo... D'oh! 🙄
...Re drinking, I think I have a low alcohol tolerance threshold, as I get merry then ill! 😱 Doesn't help my sugar levels having my head down the loo... D'oh! 🙄

Twitchy, you're supposed to drink from a glass or a bottle - not from the loo! 😉 :D
I remember reading somewhere that alcohol is used as a fuel in preference to glucose, so by some mechanism, the glucose doesn't replenish tired cells, etc and that's why your BG drops and you feel tired.

It doesn't seem to make sense now I read it but I'm sure that was what I read. Or dreamt maybe.

I'm with Twitchy. I'm a lightweight and happy that way. 🙂

(had a G&T last night and forgot to eat extra so woke at 1.50am testing 1.2 or something. Oops)

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