Blood sugar rise after swine flu jab

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
I had my swine flu jab on Tuesday afternoon and since then my blood sugar hasn't dropped below 10mmol/l - this is highly unusual for me as my results are usually in the 4-7 range, and rarely go above 9.

Has anyone else noticed this since having the swine flu jab? I'm wondering whether it might be having a negative effect on my insulin (which is pork Hypurin Neutral and Isophane).. Any ideas?
Someone else I know noticed it. I think it is something to do with new bugs in your system and your body working out how to deal with it and creating new antibodies.

if the high numbers last too long or become a problem, there isno harm in seeking medical advice.

I had this too, the day after my jab I woke up with by BS at 20, I felt a bit rough too. I was fine again the next day though. Still a lot better than a full on dose of flu
Thanks for your replies - it's funny though, I didn't notice such a rise when I had the seasonal flu jab a month or so ago.. I guess I must already have quite a few antibodies in my immune system for that strain of flu and that's why it didn't affect my BS at all. I suppose because the swine flu one is brand new to my immune system it'll cause a greater response (I felt pretty crappy yesterday but put it down to the high blood sugars!) and raise my blood sugar because of it...

I'll just increase my insulin for another day or two until I see it return to normal (my arm is still tender two days after having the jab!).
Glad you all posted this as I'm having my jab tomorrow - at least I am prepared for the highs if they come. Have a busy day on Saturday so hope I don't feel too rough. My friend had a sore arm for a week after the jab so hopefully yours should gradually start to improve.
SamInnocent - I see you have an hba1c of 4.9 WOW!!!! I have no idea how you can manage that - do you have a lot of hypos?
Glad you all posted this as I'm having my jab tomorrow - at least I am prepared for the highs if they come. Have a busy day on Saturday so hope I don't feel too rough. My friend had a sore arm for a week after the jab so hopefully yours should gradually start to improve.

I've got mine on Saturday, so will look out for any rises. Had the normal one a couple of weeks ago with no problems.
Thanks, I am getting mine done next Thursday so will look out for any rises.
had mine today and no reaction so far. I did ask the nurse doing it about the high blood sugars and she said that only 1 person has phoned up reporting it so far. I agreed to be included in the safety study so my to will phone me over the weekend and then a month and in 6 months time.
I had my swine flu jab on Tuesday afternoon and since then my blood sugar hasn't dropped below 10mmol/l - this is highly unusual for me as my results are usually in the 4-7 range, and rarely go above 9.

Has anyone else noticed this since having the swine flu jab? I'm wondering whether it might be having a negative effect on my insulin (which is pork Hypurin Neutral and Isophane).. Any ideas?

Yes - same thing happended to me with high sugar levels (16.0 plus) for a week! Took several extra units of short acting before meals but it did not seem to have much effect!

My partner also had the swine flu jab and was unwell with swine flu symptoms for 5 days! So for me dealing with some high blood sugar levels seemed better than dealing with a fever and aches and pains!!

From Sugarmouse
my sugars did the opposite :confused: but I did have very very mild flu/swine flu symptoms the next day - headache, runny nose, lethargy etc.
Had both seasonal and swine flu jabs yesterday, and wowser felt bloody awful yesterday, better today but not 100 per cent.

had the seasonal one for many years with no problems though, so maybe its because i had both at once? 🙄

Bg been fine though, but was told could rise for several days after the jab, this is normal, but I dont seem to get high bg readings when unwell, I drop if anything.
swine flu jab

I had swine flu, normal flu jabs, and one for pneumonia in one session 11 days ago and haven't felt right since. After about 8 hours both arms started to ache then I developed flu symptoms throughout that night. Kept checking my blood glucose that night and it was fine. It took until last Monday for the aching to stop in my arms but since then my blood glucose levels have been really high. It seems like however much insulin (long acting or short acting) I can't get my levels below 10 and it goes up overnight. I have been waking up with highs of 15 and 16 which is unheard of for me. No matter what activity I do levels don't go down. I feel really depressed about the whole episode. Its as if I'm no longer in control and for the first time I feel like this wretched disease will beat me. I'm actually going for my check up tomorrow and will bring this up. I'm glad I decided to check in to the message boards and see if anyone else had these effects at least I'm not the only one.
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