Blood sugar reading

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I wonder if anyone else has problems with raised blood sugar levels late in the morning .I am type 2 diabetic and take no medication and control it by diet only. I take a reading 2 hours after my breakfast and they are usually good. However I am puzzled that I have started to get a higher reading over an hour later if I check it even though I have not eaten anything. This has only recently been a problem. Any ideas for the cause would be very helpful.
Remember, you are not low on sugar . Your liver dumps sugar into your bloodstream . You problem like mine is your insulin is not working 100%. Like a battery not quite flat or a faulty connection. So you exercise the body says I need sugar snd this circulates until your insulin used it up . You eat foods that contain sugar mostly carbs convert to sugar that why people help their bodies by eating less. Drinking too can lower it or raise ad can the ph of foods . The reason people say two hours post is it gives you an indication of bad or let’s say foods that raise. Example if your very low they say jelly babies or drink orange juice. If high drink water and exercise snd eat low carb foods like an omlette . There is a great section in here to help also look at reading material. But that’s my take on it. If very high speak to nurse or Gp . We are not trained unless you phone the helpline.
I wonder if anyone else has problems with raised blood sugar levels late in the morning .I am type 2 diabetic and take no medication and control it by diet only. I take a reading 2 hours after my breakfast and they are usually good. However I am puzzled that I have started to get a higher reading over an hour later if I check it even though I have not eaten anything. This has only recently been a problem. Any ideas for the cause would be very helpful.

What numbers are you seeing?
Hi and welcome.

Can you give us an example, so that we can assess if this is a significant rise or perhaps just within the error limits of the meter? Also, what do you have for breakfast (just wondering if it is something very slow release or your digestion is slow) and do you drink coffee throughout the morning? I am OK with one coffee usually, but if I have 2 or 3 my levels will go up quite significantly. The coffee acts as a stimulant and my liver responds by releasing glucose. Stress caused by work or illness could also be pushing levels up. There are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels both up and down.... mostly upwards, so looking at food alone is having a bit of a blinkered approach.
Strenuous exercise can push levels up in the short term but down in the longer term. Gentle exercise like walking, will usually reduce levels. Sitting sedentary for any length of time could cause them to drift upwards. Alcohol from the night before could have been suppressing levels and then the alcohol effect wears off mid morning and that could do it..... lots and lots of scenarios.... It is a very complex process. If it is just a mmol or 2 then I wouldn't worry too much, assuming it is coming back down later in the day, but if you can identify a possible cause.... like the coffee, you can experiment with decaf or just having 1 cup and see if that prevents the rise.
Hi All.
Thanks everyone for your suggestions. I control diabetes 2 by diet only. I use urine sticks 2 hours after food to see if sugar is registering. Most of the day this is fine. My puzzle is why after I have my breakfast say 9 o’clock and test 11 and it is completely clear, when I test it later on say Noon it is now registering when I have eaten nothing since my breakfast.what is triggering the later reading? It wouldn’t seem its food?!
Hi and welcome.

Can you give us an example, so that we can assess if this is a significant rise or perhaps just within the error limits of the meter? Also, what do you have for breakfast (just wondering if it is something very slow release or your digestion is slow) and do you drink coffee throughout the morning? I am OK with one coffee usually, but if I have 2 or 3 my levels will go up quite significantly. The coffee acts as a stimulant and my liver responds by releasing glucose. Stress caused by work or illness could also be pushing levels up. There are something like 42 factors which affect BG levels both up and down.... mostly upwards, so looking at food alone is having a bit of a blinkered approach.
Strenuous exercise can push levels up in the short term but down in the longer term. Gentle exercise like walking, will usually reduce levels. Sitting sedentary for any length of time could cause them to drift upwards. Alcohol from the night before could have been suppressing levels and then the alcohol effect wears off mid morning and that could do it..... lots and lots of scenarios.... It is a very complex process. If it is just a mmol or 2 then I wouldn't worry too much, assuming it is coming back down later in the day, but if you can identify a possible cause.... like the coffee, you can experiment with decaf or just having 1 cup and see if that prevents the rise.
thanks Barbara for your information on diabetes. I usually have porridge for breakfast with a couple of prunes and 1/2 a banana. As to coffee I normally have just one cup at around 10.30. Ie before the first test at11 o’clock.
thanks Barbara for your information on diabetes. I usually have porridge for breakfast with a couple of prunes and 1/2 a banana. As to coffee I normally have just one cup at around 10.30. Ie before the first test at11 o’clock.
Urine sticks are not the best for monitoring your glucose levels as it is only when high that you start to excrete glucose in your urine and it will vary depending on how hydrated you are.
Most people use a blood glucose monitor which involves taking a finger prick blood sample and applying to a test strip and inserting into a small monitor. The one with the cheapest strips are the GlucoNavii or Spirit TEE2.
I can see why your levels will be so high as you are having a very high carbohydrate breakfast, porridge, prunes, banana are probably the highest carb food that you could choose.
If you want to be testing the effect of food and get a grip of your levels so you can adjust your diet then I suggest you get a monitor. It would be a good investment in your health.
Two hours only applies to blood testing.
Urine sticks will take longer as the glucose is removed from your blood again before being measurable.
Two hours only applies to blood testing.
Urine sticks will take longer as the glucose is removed from your blood again before being measurable.
Hi travellor
thanks for that information it was very useful. All the advice I have received today has helped me understand how difficult it is to measure sugar levels accurately.
Hi travellor
thanks for that information it was very useful. All the advice I have received today has helped me understand how difficult it is to measure sugar levels accurately.
A blood test meter is going to give the best results, but you might be shocked by how high your level is with such a high carb meal. I'd never have oats, dried fruit and banana, ever - have you ever checked just how many gm of carbohydrate that might be?
I think that the urine sticks on begin to register anything at all if blood glucose levels are over 10mmol/l so not very sensitive at all.
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