Blood sugar not getting below 6.5

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hello-sorry this is long but I am getting it off my chest!

I've had T2 diabetes for years. I'm on metformin.
I'm not very good with my diet but have been trying to be low carb for a few months now but struggle with it to be honest. I have frequent days when I fall off the wagon!

I've only been testing regulalry for about 6 months. For the last few weeks, my results have rarely been below 6.5 and this is unusual - I would often have results in the 5s before this, usually before eating (I try to test before a meal and 2 hours after).

Today for example I had a cup of tea + one piece of toast + butter +marmite. (I know that toast is not low carb - but having done regular tests it has less affect on my blood sugar than many other options- I've just checked back over my diary & I can have a piece of toast and 2 hours later my reading can be 5.8 - so toast is one of my options- particularly in a a hurry). Today it was 6.9.

I know the answer is speak to my GP / nurse and I need to make an appointment (difficult as that is!). But if anyone has any ideas or supportive words I'd be grateful.
I had bad news from my diabetic eye screening last year (November) and I know that I need to get things under control at this point.
Angel Delight
There’s absolutely nothing wrong with a reading of 6.5, it’s perfectly normal. What are the highest readings you get?
Thanks for replying.

The highest I get is 8 or 9 - that's usually when I know I've had a lot of carb / sugar.
I suppose it's that the pattern is changing - a breakfast of toast doesn't usually mean my reading is nearly 7 two hours later.
When I was first diagnosed I was easily always in the 5s and then it crept up to the 6s. I think Diabetes is insidious, you have to be vigilant. Got a 5 this morning and was quite jubilant. 🙂
I understand your concern but I think you are worrying unduly at this stage. 6.9 is an "in range" normal reading. It may be a little higher than your "normal" for that breakfast but it certainly doesn't warrant contacting a doctor unless it is for reassurance. In some respects this may be why GPs and nurses discourage testing, because people can become unnecessarily concerned. I personally am a real advocate for testing, but you have to be rational about what is reasonable and normal and I can assure you that I would be very happy with a 6.9 two hours after a slice of toast.

You say in the title that your levels are not getting below 6.5, is that any time of day or just after meals? ie what was your prebreakfast reading this morning and what are your pre evening meal readings like?

BG levels are affected by lots of different factors like stress, illness, grief, increased/decreased weight, lack of good quality sleep, more/less exercise, ambient temperature, time of the month, alcohol and many more will all impact them to a greater or lesser extent.
As a type 1 I go through phases where I need significantly more insulin and other phases where I need a lot less. It can change for a week or a month or longer and can be stable for a significant period and then change again. I used to worry about needing more insulin, but it goes up and down at different times including with the seasons and gradually you start to see patterns with what may be causing it.
Those reading sound to be well within the range you might expect, 4-7mmol/l before meals or fasting/morning and either an increase of no more than a 2-3mmol/l increase or no more than 8-8.5mmol/l 2 hours post meal.
Also the different reading are within the accuracy of your monitor, i.e. really no difference between the 2 readings.
Also there are other factors which affect blood glucose other than just what you have eaten.
Thanks so much for taking the time to reply.

I think the reality is that I am worrying about it because (i) I am worrying about my eyes and (ii) because I have ignored this for years and feel that I have left things to late that permanent damage has been done and it's all my own fault,

In answer to your questions @rebrascora my pre-breakfast reading today was 6.7 and it's been over 6 for a week or so - in the past it's been much lower - in the 5s. Same for pre-dinner, had a lot of 5s & low 6s but now everything seems to be 6.5+

That's a good point @Leadinglights about the monitor. And yes of course other things can be affecting it - just not sure what. I'll continue to monitor as I do find it helpul (& usually motivating).
Thanks again
Worry alone can unfortunately raise BG levels.
Have you had Covid? That can raise levels for weeks or even months.
The good thing is that your levels are really stable in the 6s by the looks of it and whilst they are a little higher than they were before, they are still in range and from the perspective of your eyes and other complications, being stable may actually be better than being lower and then higher after meals. If you were regularly hitting double figures then that would be the time to be concerned that things were changing, so please try not to worry about this very minor change. It may even be something as simple as your pot of test strips being a bit out or perhaps you could be slightly anaemic or dehydrated.

Are you able to do a little exercise after meals to see if that will bring them down a little more and consciously drink a little more. I know through the winter months I don't drink nearly as much as I should or do in the summer.
It doesn't look as though you have a lot to worry about. As an example, I stopped testing 2 hrs after meals some time ago and just do a morning one before breakfast. It is normally within 7.2 - 7.8; I got a bit of a shock today it was 8.9.
Nothing unusual about the night before, glass of wine, beef stew with a couple of dumplings and yogurt for pud.
Only did 3 1/2 miles on the bike though and struggled up a slight hill with BP at 138. Normally not much over 118 BP on that little hill.
I do a few excercises when I wake up before breakfast and then I test.
I don't think I have ever had a reading less than 6.9; and my HBA1C is about 45

Cheers Tony.
Hello-sorry this is long but I am getting it off my chest!

I've had T2 diabetes for years. I'm on metformin.
I'm not very good with my diet but have been trying to be low carb for a few months now but struggle with it to be honest. I have frequent days when I fall off the wagon!

I've only been testing regulalry for about 6 months. For the last few weeks, my results have rarely been below 6.5 and this is unusual - I would often have results in the 5s before this, usually before eating (I try to test before a meal and 2 hours after).

Today for example I had a cup of tea + one piece of toast + butter +marmite. (I know that toast is not low carb - but having done regular tests it has less affect on my blood sugar than many other options- I've just checked back over my diary & I can have a piece of toast and 2 hours later my reading can be 5.8 - so toast is one of my options- particularly in a a hurry). Today it was 6.9.

I know the answer is speak to my GP / nurse and I need to make an appointment (difficult as that is!). But if anyone has any ideas or supportive words I'd be grateful.
I had bad news from my diabetic eye screening last year (November) and I know that I need to get things under control at this point.
Angel Delight

What were you like in the years before?
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