blood sugar levels


New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
hi I usually manage to keep my blood sugar level at around 6 - 7 (diet only) but have been away from home, eating out etc etc and now it is over 8 in the morning before food. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestons that would enable me to get it back to 6 or thereabouts. this morning I had porridge and a hot drink and it was up to 12+ . any thoughts would be helpful. been type 2 for about 5 years
I was away last week and eating out so portion control wasn't as good plus not knowing exactly what was in each very delicious plateful and found, like you, I was higher than normal by Saturday.

Judicious and rigorous management of my diet with keen eye on the carb content (quantity and quality so small amounts whole grains) seems to have got me back to my morning pre breakfast norms of around 5.5 within a few days but I am on both metformin and gliclazide. Plus upping the walking a bit ..... easier in the sunshine of the past few days when it has been so pleasant to be out and about

BTW I have found that if I am running a bit higher than usual that porridge will cause me a significant rise but once I am at my normal levels then my body seems to be able to cope with 40g in the morning.
hi I usually manage to keep my blood sugar level at around 6 - 7 (diet only) but have been away from home, eating out etc etc and now it is over 8 in the morning before food. I am just wondering if anyone has any suggestons that would enable me to get it back to 6 or thereabouts. this morning I had porridge and a hot drink and it was up to 12+ . any thoughts would be helpful. been type 2 for about 5 years
Dear sherugar,

You seem to be doing well until now. After about 3 years following diagnosis I found that my BS levels were creeping up, so I decided to adopt a controlled carbohydrate approach. Since that time (13 years ago) I have kept my average fasting blood glucose below 6mmol/L. I work on the principle that: If you don't put glucose (carbohydrate) into your body, how can you have high blood sugar!

Regards Dodger