Blood sugar levels

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi, please could someone advise me with your thoughts
This morning at 9am my reading was 9.2
I took 44 units of Humilin3 insulin and 500mg of Metformin
I had 50g of bran flakes with semi skimmed milk and a mug of tea
I have now taken a reading and it's 19.2 why would this be ?
Did you wash your hands? I’d say either there was something on your finger, or you ate more carbs than your current dose is set to deal with, or your dose is too low. How many carbs are you advised to eat per meal for your current dose, and how many did you have?
Never been told, been wrongly diagnosed as type 2 should be Type 3c which is a different insulin
I was diagnosed Nov 21, after whipple surgery, I've never had any investigations or seen a specialist
I'm now waiting to see an endocrinologist privately the NHS are #####
I am consistently in the high teens
You’d probably be better off on separate basal and bolus (meal) insulins @Derek2210 In the meantime, you could carefully experiment with reducing your Bran Flakes portion a few grams at a time and see how you go. If that leaves you hungry, have some non-carby like a boiled egg after/before.
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