Blood sugar levels out of control

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Ikey the tinker

Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Have been type 2 for 15 months or so, take 2 metformin a day, eat healthily and exercise. My long term readings have been around 6 for the past year, no problems controlling it but for the past 6 weeks they've been as high as 17 4 hours after eating and never below 9.5. Yesterday I barely ate anything and went for a 4 mile brisk walk but they were still 10 when I got home. Anyone got any idea what's happening here? I feel red hot all the time, if this has anything to do with it?
You may need the higher dose of metformin, or an extra tablet each day. Make a note of what you are eating, are you eating lots of carbs or things with hidden sugars in? When mine were a bit haywire I was put on gliclizade. You'll need to see your doctor to discuss this.

An old suggestion realy, but it may pay you to keep a food diary and a record of your sugar levels, and the ammount and type of activity you are doing. Also go talk to your doctor or diabetic care team, or practice nurse.

If you have been unwell this also affects blood sugars while your body fights the infection. It is always worth getting things checked out.

Not sure how it works for T2's but as a T1 if I don't eat a lot - my bs levels still go up as your body thinks it is being starved and calls on its glucose reserves stored in the liver. Also if bs is above 7 before exercise - my bs goes very high afterwards - again I think it is body calling on reserves.
Not sure this will help as not sure how this affects T2's - anyone?
It sounds like you might have a fever. You should try drinking lots of water and go to the doctor! Tell him/her that you have been feeling really hot and your sugars are high. goodluck 🙂
Not sure how it works for T2's but as a T1 if I don't eat a lot - my bs levels still go up as your body thinks it is being starved and calls on its glucose reserves stored in the liver. Also if bs is above 7 before exercise - my bs goes very high afterwards - again I think it is body calling on reserves.
Not sure this will help as not sure how this affects T2's - anyone?

I'm not totally sure on type 2's, but for me before intense exercise I have to inject insulin to prevent my blood sugar rising very high.

You've had great suggestions of keeping a food diary and blood sugar diary to help identify what is causing your levels to be high.

I'd suggest seeing your GP to rule out any underlying infection or anything like that
another thought in one of your previous posts you mentioned being on thyroxine for underactive thyroid. it might be worth getting your levels tested, if your dose is too high I believe that could contribute to high blood sugars and would also account for the feeling hot.
it could be some medicaton, last year I was put on a hormone and it sent my blood sugars up, and previuosly ahve a steriod injection in my knee did the same.
weeks they've been as high as 17 4 hours after eating and never below 9.5.

Again I don't know about type 2 but in type 1 at least, exercising with high blood sugars isn't a good idea. If you already don't have enough insulin in your system, exercise will just increase the amount of glucose in your bloodstream and there won't be any insulin to let it into your cells.
I'd agree it is always worth getting things checked out. If you are worried it is re assuarnce for you. Stress also causes a rise in sugar levels. You may have to be persistent with youe health care team, but it's your health and worth it in the long run...
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