Blood sugar and mood

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Well-Known Member
I'm interested to hear how other people experience blood sugar and mood. Obviously there are issues like behavioural changes with hypoglycemia, and then there's the 'hangry' phenomenon, but I'm wondering if anybody else gets into a good mood when blood sugar is under control?

I've always been a bit grumpy and sensitive, but I've also always had a sweet tooth. Currently I'm in the Type 1 honeymoon period, and find blood sugar relatively easy to control. As I travel for work and must eat in a lot of restaurants, I struggle to calculate the carb/sugar value of foods, so I've just decided to eat low carb for the moment. Now I've been doing this for a few months, I get very few dramatic rises and falls in blood sugar.

What I've noticed is that my mood is really good! A lot of my impatience and irritation has vanished. Some of it could just be that I'm busy right now and like the work I'm doing. Some could be because I've (mildly) increased my exercise. But I'm wondering if it could also be because my blood sugar is pretty stable.

Any thoughts?
Any/all of those things mate! (IMHO)
I definitely find that erratic glucose levels have a negative effect on my mood. Partly just the increase in sensor alarms and feeling I’ve “got it wrong”, or more accurately that the carefully tweaked and polished approach I have developed to work for that meal has spectacularly failed for no apparent reason (and maybe I have to go though the tedious rigmarole of re-tweaking everything again)

So a lot of it probably stems from the tedium, thanklessness, and frustration of living with a condition which refuses to behave consistently.

But I have also noticed a fairly direct negative impact on mood from high BG levels, even when I know what caused them, and they aren‘t particularly frustrating in the usual ‘diabetes chaos’ sense.

High BGs just make me grumpy. And erratic BGs doubly so!
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