Blood Readings

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Relationship to Diabetes
At risk of diabetes

Dose anyone know what the prediabetes blood readings are after 2 hours or not. I know normal readings after 2 hours are under 7.8 if you hit a 8.2 or a 9 is it classed still as diabetes or prediabetes rang?
Hi @Tom11479 the glucose meters have a margin of error, so if you get 8.2 or 9 it could easily actually be 7.1 or 8.2. More than that, the post-meal readings aren’t used to diagnose pre-diabetes (although they might give a clue that tests are needed). It would the HbA1C that would do that.

I’ve tested my non-diabetic friends post-meal sugars and sometimes they are in the 8s or 9s.

I wouldn’t worry. Just keep an eye on things and keep up to date with your HbA1C tests. If you’re concerned, you could look at tweaking your meals a little.
I suspect they will go on your A1c results, rather that spot readings. As the A1c is an average over 2-3 months, if the BG spikes, it's not going to make a massive difference overall. Mine can go up to 10 or 11 two hours after a meal, but my A1c is now in pre-Diabetic territory. I'm not pre-Diabetic though, as having been diagnosed as Diabetic and being on medication too, I can't 'turn back the clock'.

From my personal experience, the two hour readings are very proportional to the carbs. If I have a 40-60g carb meal it goes to 10 or 11. If it's a <30g meal, it only goes up to around 8 or 9.

I think you may need to try different meals and test also, as not all carbs are equal, we all react to different carbs, well differently. I find rice, pasta and anything sugary raise it, but OMG, potatoes, they really do spike it. I still have them, but small portions. I've actually got quite adept at predicting my BG levels based on what I eat, I wish I could do that with the Lotto numbers 🙂.

Dose anyone know what the prediabetes blood readings are after 2 hours or not. I know normal readings after 2 hours are under 7.8 if you hit a 8.2 or a 9 is it classed still as diabetes or prediabetes rang?

Home BG meters aren’t rated for diagnostic purposes, and some websites seem to quote very low post prandial readings as a maximum, with anything above that being classed as problematic, whereas CGM results from people without diabetes show that excursions above 7.8mmol/L are perfectly normal. Up to 10mmol/L and above at times!

You might find these results reassuring?

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