Blood Pressure

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Senior Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hi Guys.

I mentioned this on another thread, but when I got my results from clinic yesterday, it seemed my blood pressure was on the low side, at 115/38. Now, I don't really know much about these things. I've looked around on the web from a few links, but it doesn't make complete sense to me. From the last times I've had it measured, they've been 127/65, 117/69, 116/61 to 115/38.

The nurse who took my BP did say it was a bit low, but my consultant didn't mention it. I know it was probably a one off thing, but do you think it's anything for me to be concerned about?

Becky x
Becky - given you are diabetic (no, really) I would be concerned.

I would talk to you DSN - you are active, dancing etc - you don;t want to collapse

The 38 number I feel is too low
Try Again - Incorrect reading

I would doubt that reading is correct?
It is too low to be true?
Did they measure twice immediately to confirm?
What is your heart rate?
Your heart rate should not be lower than 55, or even 50 !
If I was you, I would go straight to a pharmacy and ask them to measure immediately again, to confirm the reading.
I doubt the original reading is correct?
If it is wrong, you are mentally suffering needlessly.
Good luck.
Not a medico but I believe that diastolic reading has to be suspect. Get it checked again ASAP

A normal range for BP for you should be hovering around the 120/80 region although it can vary a 100/60 isn't a bad BP reading for an adult.. I have had BPs of 95/70 or thereabout.. if the diastolic (bottom number) is lower than 60, you have a low BP or hypotension so I would definitely get it checked again.
To be on the safe side get it checked again just incase. How do you feel in yourself? If you feel OK your BP is proably OK, but for the sake of reassuarnce get it checked again, by the docotr and the nurse if necessary!
Your BP does seem to be to low, although sometimes you can get a different reading on one side of your body than the other, which is why they sometimes take BP on both arms if a reading doesn't seem quiet right.

The link below gives some info on both hypertension and hypotension and what the normal range of BP should be.
My late mother always had lower than average BP, and it got lower as she got older. However once they started measuring around 90/50 she was experiencing postural hypotension, i.e. the drop in BP on getting up in the morning or standing quickly caused her to feel faint. If you are not getting these symtoms I doubt the lower one is accurate.
I replied on the other thread, but wonder if it was done manually or with a machine. I suspect machine because 115 won't come up on most manual readings
Then I wouldn't worry about it and discount it. Next time if you get a high/low unusual reading ask then to check it manually.
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