blood pressure

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Hi Everyone,

I'm the biggest worrier out! I worry about not worrying about things!

My biggest problem is going to the doc's to get my bp checked. Before I even get there, I stress about how high my bp is going to be and invariably it is! Would anyone be able to recommend home testing if I bought my own machine or do you think that would make me even more paranoid!

Donna, I have exactly the same problem - it's very common and known as 'White Coat Syndrome'! In the end I got a home monitor so I could test at home. I then took my results to my GP and she agreed that my BP was in fact OK and that it was just the stress of the doctor visit and apprehension about their readings! This is the one I got:

Omron MX2 Digital Automatic Upper Arm Blood Pressure Monitor

Don't get a wrist monitor, they are not very accurate.
Hi Donna,

Try not to worry, I'm sure it will go fine! I dislike the feeling of the band being pumped up around my arm (I prefer to have bloods taken rather than BP), I don't know why...silly really!! 🙂
🙂 I'm the same too, but they have realised it at the Hospital hahaha

Hugs Mo xx
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