Blood pressure checks at train stations

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Admin (Retired)
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
COMMUTERS will be able to check their blood pressure at railway stations in a bid to find the “missing millions” of Britons unwittingly at risk of a heart attack or stroke. Football clubs, pharmacies and barbers will also offer the free service.

The British Heart Foundation is investing £1.5million in projects to reach people who are less likely to go to their GP surgery for a test.

The charity estimates that seven million people are living with undiagnosed high blood pressure.

Experts estimate the consequences of the condition costs the NHS £2billion every year, while social care and economic costs are likely to be much higher.

High blood pressure – often known as the “silent killer” – affects nearly a third of adults across the UK.

Would have been interesting to see the results if they'd done this during the timetable chaos! 😱
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What bright spark came up with that idea
If they are the stupid machine they have in our GP surgery waiting room which uses your wrist - my wrists are too slim for the machine hence I only get an error message and despite having my own machine at home, have to make an appointment to see an HCP whenever my BP medication prescriptions are up for review. Tedious.
Like Jenny and Northie, I have a machine at home, an Omron. That’s good enough for me, and that’s why I don’t take antihypertensives any more, like a good boy should. Don’t take statins anymore either. I don’t believe tablets can extend your life if your measurements are in the normal range.

Others, of course might believe that. Good luck with that then. Don’t forget to change your genes while you’re at it.
Testing in a railway station is without doubt not the best place or time, but if the result, right or wrong, prompts someone to see their GP and get a proper test it may well result in a life being extended and/or savings for the NHS.
I test my BP and do an average for a week before my 3 monthly reviews as I know my results are far more accurate than the one-off test in the surgery. I use the same Omron as the sugery and my results are the ones that are recorded on my record.
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