Blood monitoring strips

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
I'm sure this has been asked a million times. I just got my first blood sugar monitor and they gave me 5 strips for the machine which might last me 2 days if I'm lucky. Where's the best place to get them? Cheap or Free, preferably.
Depends what strips you are looking for but you won't find any for free I'm afraid
The strips are not interchangeable between monitors so you need to get the same ones. Where did you get your monitor from.
As a Type 2 most people need to self fund so buy a monitor which has the cheapest strips as they can vary considerably from as cheap as £8 for 50 for the GlucoNavil or TEE2 monitors to over £20 for 50 for some of the other monitors.
If the monitor was from your GP then they may prescribe strips but unless you are on medication for your diabetes you would have to pay the prescription charge I would assume.
I got it from the diabetic nurse at my GP. I am on medication and have applied for an exemption card for prescriptions.
What meter is it and I don't mean to sound nosey but what medication are you on for your diabetes? As unless it is a hypo causing medication the chances of being prescribed strips are slim
Even when I was on gliclazide, they were limited to 50 a month.
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