Blood monitoring question

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Type of Diabetes: Type 1
Join Date: Jan 2010
Posts: 26
sorry didnt no where to post this question can any one tell me there experience of having a 7 day blood monitoring meter put on,,, thankyou

Original posted in the link forum in rersponse to something else. I moved it here to get more responses

Think you are talking about a CGMS, continuous glucose monitoring system.

This is a good thing so you should go for it. My daughter has had one twice in the past. They put a sensor on you which gets 'fired' into the skin, just a short tube if you like, the needle gets removed. It is a bit uncomfortable going in but only for a few seconds, so my daughter tells me. The CGMS is then attached and the sensor then takes readings ever 5 minutes and at the end of the period, however long the sensor lasts, you give the monitor back and they can download the data for you to see what is going on.

Sometimes the sensor can play up. We only got data for 24 hours the first time but 5 days then next time. You will have to calibrate it which means every so often when you do a finger test, you will have to input that number into the CGMS, it just keeps it on track.

The readings are not spot on as it is different blood it is measuring ie intistitial blood rather than capillary blood from your fingers and there is a time lag of abotu 15 minutes or so. But you will get a very good idea of what is going on.

We found both time that my daughter was hypoing over night without me knowning inbetween the times I tested. We changed insulins twice due to the CGMS and started pumping insulin as soon as we could.

I hope that helps.
How do you go about having one of these?
I had one for 3 days and nights, It was fairly comfortable, although by the 3rd day i was glad for the dressing to come off as it was starting to itch.
My results were interesting to see, almost the opposite of Jessica I was sure I wasn't hypoing overnight but the DSN thought that I was.

Most clinics have access to one that they can lend out, so just ask them. I had to wait a couple of weeks until it became free.
thanks for your replys i had 1 for a week and now are waiting results it was very intersting seeing my blood glucose all the time even thow they tell you not to look at very hard not to..
oo and thankyou caroline for posting my enquiry where it should go..hopefuly i get the hang of this

Let us know how it went and the results, I hope they show you some positive stuff or stuff you need to change.

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