Blood moniter

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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
Surely every T1 patient should have them proscribed.
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
Surely every T1 patient should have them proscribed.
From what I've seen members post on here you're lucky if your gp prescribes you strips for finger prick monitors. So to answer your question no. But I could be wrong.
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
Surely every T1 patient should have them proscribed.

I think all T1s are entitled to glucose monitors.
I know someone who is struggling to get them because his GP says he can’t prescribe them. (He’s not under a consultant/diabetic healthcare team at the local hospital)

I’m sure some of the more knowledgeable people with T1 on this forum will know more.
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
Surely every T1 patient should have them proscribed.
The NICE guidelines now say every Type 1 should be prescribed a Libre or similar monitor/.
If Type 2 than NO, you are lucky if you are prescribed a finger prick monitor unless you are on medication which could cause low blood glucose. Those who are Type 2 even if on insulin are not usually prescribed a CGM and self fund.
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
CGMs (Continuous Glucose Monitors). (Technically they measure interstitial fluid rather than blood.)

At least in England they're part of standard care for people with Type 1 and GPs should prescribe them (unless a hospital team has already arranged for the supply).

The NICE guidelines
The NICE guidelines are only valid in England. I am not sure what the equivalents are in the other UK nations (although they are likely to be similar).
The OP does not mention where they live. Or even if they live in the UK.

However, I am not sure these are prescribed by practice nurses. I was prescribed Libre a few years back by my hospital based diabetes clinic consultant. I know the rules have now changed but not sure if it would something a general practice nurse would prescribe.
Do practise nurses provide blood monitors that attach to your body. Not sure if the descriptive name.
Surely every T1 patient should have them proscribed.

If you’re Type 1, then you’re entitled to the Libre or Dexcom One sensors that attach to your body. Mine was prescribed by my consultant and the GP then added it to my prescription (Libre 2).

Do you have a hospital team you can phone? Have you asked your GP?
Welcome to the forum @Keithjdonnelly

The sensors should be standard provision for anyone with T1 In England
Your GP should be able to prescribe them but some GPs have needed a push from consultants in the past. This should no longer be necessary. If you haven’t got a sensor you should definietely be provided with a monitor and test strips.

If you are happy to do so, let us know how you manage your T1.
What insulins are you using?
Do you have appointments at the hospital or just your GP?

If you have any other questions just ask. Nothing is considered silly on here and there is loads of experience to tap into.
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