Blood in sensor

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Yesterday we put a sensor on (Medtronic enlite - we get funded 10 per year and I try and buy extras when I can afford to). This is the last sensor we have left, and I wanted to have some up to date CGM downloads for clinic next week, but by sod's law it's playing up (we normally get great performance from the enlites).

Last night it alarmed "lost sensor" just after midnight (when my back was turned!), but I didn't discover until the 3.30am check, so a gap in CGM of 3.5 hours. Restarted and it then alarmed "lost sensor" again at 5am-ish, again not discovered until 7am. It then behaved until 4pm, though my son didn't exert himself to actually check how well it was tracking compared to his BGs during that time.

At 4pm it alarmed "sensor error". I had a look at the actual sensor, and there is some dried blood around the edge of the sensor/transmitter (didn't notice any bleeding on insertion). Could this be the culprit for the problems with this sensor? And does this mean we have to give up on it?
Give Medtronic a ring and tell them you have an error message and it's only been x amount of hours. They should without hesitation replace it.
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