Blood in cannula high to hypo!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
What a coincidence - we've only just had a thread on this topic!

Scouts this evening, and they were on a rolling rockclimbing wall, racing to see how high they could go and how far of a backwards overhang they could cling on to before falling off. Repeated falls onto the crash mat obviously took their toll (cannula in butt), as he finished up on 15mmol. He did a correction through the pump but was still 15 over an hour later when we got home, and on inspecting the cannula found it to have blood congealed in the lower half. So changed set after bath, and decided to ignore part of the active insulin and give a partial correction through the new cannula (on the basis that the recorded active insulin may not have got through to him in the first place). Wrong this time! Just been up to test and he's 2.7 so had to wake for lucozade. The forecast for the night ahead is unsettled 🙄
Thanks, actually better than expected - 2.30 6.2, 6.30 7.1. But I'm soooo tired!

However the sun is shining again today 🙂
Sorry to hear that you had a bad night Redkite. I hope that today is better. Blood in the cannula is a pain!
Thanks, actually better than expected - 2.30 6.2, 6.30 7.1. But I'm soooo tired!

However the sun is shining again today 🙂

Sounds like you made some good choices - hope you get chance to relax and recuperate today! 🙂
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