Blood in Byetta pen?

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 2
Okay, so I've come down off yesterdays cloud 9 already.

Started the higher dose of Byetta this morning, injected in a hurry in my usual madhouse of everyone getting ready to go out at the same time etc and my injection site bled a little. No worries as it's happened before. However I noticed a little 'strand' of blood floating in the Byetta solution afterwards. It's now disolved and dispersed as I can't see it any more, but do you think it's safe to continue to use? Has this happened to anyone else? Obviously I don't want to waste a whole pen full if it's not necessary. XXXXX
Blyth a couple of things to do either get in touch via email or call the manufacturers of byetta. I believe the general consensus is that if you get blood into the pen you can contaminate the medicine inside. Definitely check with the pharmacist/manufacturers to be sure what to do

You really need to take your injection in a place that is as less stress free the better x
Wow! That was quick! I'm onto it now, ta. Hope you're having a good day. XXXXX
Hi Speedy! Lol

Just got off the phone to the Byetta helpline and she told me not to use it. Thanks again for your advice Steffie. XXXXX
Hi Speedy! Lol

Just got off the phone to the Byetta helpline and she told me not to use it. Thanks again for your advice Steffie. XXXXX

LOL have you a spare yeah?
Get onto pharmacist and get a new script hun, i dont know how far you are from them but if you explain im sure they could speed things up x

p.s Anytime 🙂
I got 3 pens from the hospital yesterday to last me til I see the Consultant in August. I normally get my precriptions from the dispensary at the GP surgery. Not sure if they'll get me a new pen til they get word from the hospital. They are still being 'jobs worths' because they didn't want me to go to the hospital in the first place or go on Byetta. I'll have a chat with my DSN about it when she phones to check on me next week. No need to panic for now. XXXXX
Glad you were able to get quick advice. I hope you're able to get supplies sorted.

I'm on tablets, but I still like to be in a place of calm to take them, especially at times when I have to take two or more. It means I am less likely to forget which ones I need.
I wouldn't be the first time I've started getting my morning meds out and realised just in time that it's evening! The only quiet place in our house is the garden shed! 🙄 XXXXX
I wouldn't be the first time I've started getting my morning meds out and realised just in time that it's evening! The only quiet place in our house is the garden shed! 🙄 XXXXX

Ive can often be found in the toilet injecting lol...
Ive can often be found in the toilet injecting lol...

Always someone shouting 'hurry up' if I go in the bathroom!

in fact we have a family joke that there's a sensor in the 2nd step on the stairs because it seems as soon as you step onto it a voice emerges from the 'smallest room' saying, 'I'm in here.' lol XXXXX
In our house the only doors with a lock on are the bathroom and toilet, if I lock either, someone needs them in a hurry. I often tell people I am going to start the washing up to ensure I have 5 minutes peace...
I'm sure I'll miss them if and when they all leave home. :D XXXXX
If I'm 'shooting up' 😱 at home and someone wanders in it bothers him (my brother that is - OH has done it for me in the past bless him) but not me. I just carry on regardless. That's rare though as I usually do it in my room and he never goes there.
I've been on Byetta nearly a year and have had to throw out at least 4 pens, 3 with blood in them and 1 with lots of tiny black bits which I hear is fairly common. Once it happened to me on holiday in Turkey when I was there for a month and you can't even buy it there so I was in a panic. Luckily my son was flying out the next day and hubbie flew round getting a new prescription and pen and then sent it out with him but it was a hassle. Although it was prescribed for me at the hossie by the consultant I get my prescriptions from my GP and so far no queries about how often I ask for Byetta or test strips.
I vary my injection sites between thighs and tum and all the incidents with blood have been with injections into the thigh so I tend not to use them so much now. I think its bad luck really and you just catch a blood vessel but I think rushing doesn't really help. I now keep my pen by my bed so that I have to go there and sit down and relax for a couple of moments.
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