Blood Glucose Predictions in Type-1-Diabetes (Online survey)

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New Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
[This study has been approved by @Josh DUK]

Dear interested parties,
we would like to invite you to participate in our online survey on the potential and practicality of blood glucose predictions for people with type 1 diabetes (T1D). We are interested to see if it is possible for us and practical for you to predict your blood glucose level based on various inputs.

About me:
I am a master's student in People-Oriented Computing at the University of Zurich and I was diagnosed with T1D 16 years ago. Therefore, this study combines in a way my interest in computer science and my personal interest in applications for type 1 diabetics.

Join us,
if you have T1D and want to help shape and support T1D research. We look forward to your interesting and insightful answers and thank you in advance for your involvement and dedication. Additionally, you can win one of 3 Migros vouchers (or something similar available in your country) worth 50 CHF each.

You qualify for participation if you are:
...a person diagnosed with type 1 diabetes.
...older than twelve years old.
...sufficiently proficient in the English or German language to understand and answer this questionnaire.

To participate,
follow this link: or send an email to with the subject: T1D PARTICIPATION.

Thank you very much for your participation and interest 🙂

Kind regards,
Clara-Maria Barth


Well I've done it - wasn't easy. Guesstimating the carbs in unfamiliar meals eg vegetarian or low fat stuff. Then working out approx annual income in Euros. Had to look up the exchange rate since we haven't needed any for the last 2 years to already know it roughly!
Dear @trophywench,

I am sorry that it was not easy. Based on your feedback, I added the approximate conversion to the English version of my survey. I hope that helps 🙂

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Sorry, I lost the will to live at 48% of the survey. I never seem to fit into any category on any survey I ever complete! I'm afraid I'm lazy and let my pump and my Libre 2 do a lot of the work for me. As @trophywench says, most of those meals are unfamiliar to me and not the sort of meals I normally eat, even though I eat out in restaurants a lot my choices wouldn't include the meals pictured so it's a lot of work looking them up. Plus I find it often impossible to predict what the same meal will do 2 days running.
Plus of course, what the research actually seems to be looking for is to see if a meter which can predict BG at + 2 hrs after starting to eat, would be welcomed. Well No, not really by me, as no bolus insulin so far invented works that fast hence just because it's a bit high at + 2 hrs, does not mean I need to give up eating whatever it was. There will of course be occasions when any T1's BG shoots up to the mid teens or above the trick is surely to limit the amount of time that lasts, rather than to completely stop it ever happening? Now if it could tell me how long the high will last - now THAT would be useful !
Thank you both for your valuable feedback and for completing my questionnaire 🙂
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