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Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Just a quick one really does anybody else suffer with bloating and being really gassy at Times ? If so what helps
Sorry to hear you’ve been feeling gassy and bloated @Brodietype1

Probably worth getting that checked out. There are all manner of reasons that could be behind it, but one possibility might be an intolerance, and coeliac can have those symptoms. Some people’s immune system goes rogue in more than one way, so it’d be good to get to the bottom of this.
ill be sure to get it checked out sonetimes am fine an sonetimes am really gassy and bloated , i went for a colonic cleansed 4 months ago and that sorted it out tbf , thanks for the advice
When I was first diagnosed I was like a bag of wind, but ut did clear up eventually.
I actually did have to tell my friends (I was still in college) because it became obvious. Not ideal.
Peppermint tea helps, after my operation last month the nurses suggested it for bloating and it does work very well.
Hope it clears up.
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