Bleeding when applied libra2 sensor

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Pink Rose

Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Last time when I applied the libra2 sensor it was bleeding. I only realised when I saw a blood stain on my sleeve. I just left it (not sure if I should have removed it then) and now when I removed it (bashed into it so it stopped working-also an issue that happens often...) there was a black mark on the arm.
Has this happened to anyone else? Any advice to avoid this in the future?
It was likely that you just hit a blood vessel. If it doesn't hurt, there's no problem.
There's a saying in the Libre community along the lines of "if it's a bleeder, it's a reader".

However, I am concerned you bashed into your sensor and that's a common issue. Have you tried placing it slightly under your arm where you are less likely to catch it? Or using a strap to hold it in place?
They are too expensive to keep losing before their time is up
If you ring Abbott they will replace faulty sensors, bleeders are readers and some people find them more accurate.
The one I applied last weekend bled, and has been horribly inaccurate in the main but I didn't ring Abbott when I got back to civilisation yesterday afternoon - we were camping for a week with no phone signal so had a fair bit of catching up to do - all more important than me Libre, since I've just been relying more on my meter - and relying on my meter more does stop me eating too much so no bad thing!
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