bit worrying

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
HI all,
Not looking for an answer really - just wanted to tell you something that upset/worried me.
Yesterday I took Alex and his sister to the park to play football etc. I sat in the cafe having a drink of tea - it was about 500 yards from where they were playing. I went over to check Alex was ok and we remembered he hadnt had any glucose or anything to play football. So he had 3 glucotabs.

I went back to the cafe and 5 minutes later Alex was running towards me and sat down on the chair next to me - white as a sheet and shaking. He tested and was 1.9. Then his sister came running in and told him off for running. Apparently there had been one of those big pitbull type dogs running loose on the field and it had scared Alex (doesnt like dogs) - so even though he knew he was low - he still decided to run! I am not sure what he could have done in this situation really - but it worries me that there may be some situations like this and i dont know what to tell him to do. Obviously he cant help being scared by a dog - but he cant really run when hypo either!

His sister is 18 and would have kept any dog off him - she is very protective of him! She was also really upset for him and concerned because the hypo took 2 bottles of coke to get back up to normal range! Do you think being frightened made the hypo worse than it would normally have been?😱🙂Bev
Can't offer any advice, but I hope Alex is OK now. I have a 5 year old who is scared with dogs, but most of the dogs we meet are bigger than he is and I'm hoping he will grow out of it.
Poor Alex, I can relate to the dog fear thing. Bless him. Hope he is feeling ok now 🙂
Cant offer any advice as it might be different between types but strange things make me go low sometimes - too much adrenaline, sunbeds..
Sorry to hear about Alex's fright! I can relate a little to it - although I generally don't fear dogs, as a runner I am often confronted or bothered by them. I wonder if, although adrenaline normally causes release of glucose from the liver to boost levlels, the fright made him use the glucose very quickly and also the subsequent sugar boost you gave him? He would already have had lots of adrenalin and cortisol in him from the hypo.
I know it's easier said than done, but you should never run from an agressive dog, but slowly back away from them. If you turn and run it is more likely to attack you.
I know it's easier said than done, but you should never run from an agressive dog, but slowly back away from them. If you turn and run it is more likely to attack you.

I dont even think the dog was being agressive, its just that he has a big fear of them - his eldest sister (22) is even worse than Alex! The trouble is when your frightened - you get the 'fight or flight' adrenalin rush - so i doubt he would have been thinking very clearly.

On Mothers day we went to Lacock (nice little village) for a long walk amongst a load of horses, one of which took a shine to Alex and absolutely terrified him and i had to shout to him to just stand still as he was on the edge of the river and the horse was nuzzling into him! I have to admit i was a bit frightened myself as the horse must have been 7 or 8 foot tall and was being really playful!

I wonder if there is somewhere i could take him to help him with his fear of animals?😱🙂Bev
Hi Bev .....

Poor Alex .... I can only go on Nathan's experience when facing something he does'nt like and hypoing ... As we now confussion sets in and what the body and brain say and do are the opposites ... Its possible Alex's instincts kicked in ... ie fight or flight ...where to run was a natural reaction .. rather than one thought about .. I would also agree with Northerner .. adrenaline has played a massive part in the low ..

Is there a farm near you .. that would allow Alex to go in to and stroke say the new lambs say .. many farms at this time of year have pups as well ... if he could handle a smaller dog it may help him overcome his fear of dogs.

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