bit of good news!

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Hi all,

We went to clinic this afternoon - and good news the new consultant said he wants Alex on the CGM machine asap as he isnt happy with his erratic levels!
Woooppeee!!! I asked them about this ages ago but they said they dont have one - so BUPA had agreed to fund one - but now it looks as if they have 'found' one! Also he said he thinks Alex may be a good candidate for a pump after he has looked at the data off the CGM!
Wooppeee! I am not counting my chickens - but i am hoping desperately that after using the CGM we get put forward for the pump!

He also told Alex ' at the moment diabetes is ruling you but i want that to change as you are not a happy little boy at the moment so we will find a way for your to rule the diabetes'! He sounded so positive and forward thinking - i wish we could have him all the time!

I know its early days still but at least there is a glimmer of hope that Alex may be offered the pump!:D

Also i wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for helping both Alex and myself gain a much better insight into the ups and downs of diabetes (no pun intended) and also for giving us so much advice over the past few months - we couldnt have done it without you all!:D Bev and Alex
Hi all,

We went to clinic this afternoon - and good news the new consultant said he wants Alex on the CGM machine asap as he isnt happy with his erratic levels!
Woooppeee!!! I asked them about this ages ago but they said they dont have one - so BUPA had agreed to fund one - but now it looks as if they have 'found' one! Also he said he thinks Alex may be a good candidate for a pump after he has looked at the data off the CGM!
Wooppeee! I am not counting my chickens - but i am hoping desperately that after using the CGM we get put forward for the pump!

He also told Alex ' at the moment diabetes is ruling you but i want that to change as you are not a happy little boy at the moment so we will find a way for your to rule the diabetes'! He sounded so positive and forward thinking - i wish we could have him all the time!

I know its early days still but at least there is a glimmer of hope that Alex may be offered the pump!:D
Fantastic news. 🙂 Do they come with MP3 players? 😎

Also i wanted to say a big THANK YOU to all of you for helping both Alex and myself gain a much better insight into the ups and downs of diabetes (no pun intended)
Hahahaha. :D

That is bloomin' brilliant news Bev - Yipee!
Can't you insist on that consultant all the time? - sounds like a good 'un!
That is bloomin' brilliant news Bev - Yipee!
Can't you insist on that consultant all the time? - sounds like a good 'un!

Thats what I have just said on the email group we belong to. There is nothing wrong with writing and requesting an internal transfer to this man's books. We banned the DSN from even looking at my daughter at our last hospital, she was dangerous and so appalling. I officially complained but they didn't sack her unfortunately. She really dished out dangerous advice. People tend to be frightened to talk back to medical professionals, but I guess we all learn the hard way.🙄
Glad things are sounding more positive for Alex. As others have said ask to be seen by that consultant in future. That is your right under NICE guidelines.
Glad to hear the posibility of a pump might be forth coming.
When he gets the CGM he might hate it and find it uncomfy. I have heard others saying this. Please reasure Alex it's nothing like the pump cannulas.
Pump cannulas I have never felt in me at all.
Hi Sue,
Thanks - i will remember that as i wouldnt want it to put him off having the pump! Good tip. 🙂Bev

I will ask his DN next time i speak to her if we would be allowed to change to this new chap. He also checked his sites were ok and not lumpy - something the other consultant has never done!🙂 Bev
Glad things are sounding more positive for Alex. As others have said ask to be seen by that consultant in future. That is your right under NICE guidelines.
Glad to hear the posibility of a pump might be forth coming.
When he gets the CGM he might hate it and find it uncomfy. I have heard others saying this. Please reasure Alex it's nothing like the pump cannulas.
Pump cannulas I have never felt in me at all.


Sue is right. The CGMS is like the sensor I was telling you about, it does hurt but only for seconds. The canula doesn't hurt (I've only had one inserted in me but it didn't hurt, my aunt had the sensor inserted thinking it would not hurt like the canula and she had a nasty surprise - it made me laugh 😛)
That's great news Bev 🙂 It's amazing the difference a positive encounter can make.
Good news! Fingers crossed for you all.

Sorry to hear that Alex is not really a happy bunny at the moment. It sounds like his life has been really quite dramatically affected. I'm sorry about that. You are doing the right thing(s) by looking after his welfare in all ways. We have been so lucky with E -- he's not a sporty type, and his music etc has been pretty much unaffected. But I know it could have been so different.

Best wishes bev. And well done!
All sounding very positive bev, and due, in no small part, to your own dedication to learning as much as you can so you can make things better for Alex. I have to say, there are some truly excellent examples of motherhood posting in these forums - well done to all of you!🙂
Great news, I hope it all works out and Alex feels better for it too. If we were nearer I'd give you and Alex a great big hug.
Thanks all - Its so kind of you all to express your interest in Alex - it really does feel like your our 'diabetes family'!
Thanks for the hug Caroline - i will give Alex an extra hug when he gets home from school!:DBev

Northerner, thanks for the kind words - although i think most mums will go to the ends of the earth to help make their children happy/healthy!:D Bev
thats good news, any idea when he will be able to get fitted?

If it was a consultant then I wouldn't have thought it would be a problem to change over
Hi Nikki,
He said we would know within the next 2 weeks as he is keen to get him on the CGM as he is puzzled as to why he is so erratic - so hopefully within a month!
He was a consultant yes - i will ask the DN whether we can change over to him he was so lovely and really listened to what Alex was saying - sometimes i find that people dont listen to children and it frustrates them! I hate it when people talk over children or as if they are not in the room!🙂 Bev
I think it's really important to find a consultant that you like and trust. Sounds like he's a good one to really listen. I remember going to appointments when I was a teenager and the consultant talking to my mum and not me. It was better for me when i started going to appointments on my own when I was 16-17.
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