bit down :(

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
after recovering from a nasty cold and high levels last week i am now ill with the start of another one! 😡😡 i thought it was just my hayfever but its not :(

I am just feeling like i am the unluckiest person in the world right now, nothing goes right in my life first i get diagnosed with psoriasis which makes me feel horrible some days then i get diagnosed with this stupid disease i have constant money worries and getting nowhere applying for jobs! i just feel like packing it all in and giving up completely nothing goes right for me! thinking back i have had a horrible life including coping with my mums depression and having to call an ambulance out twice due to overdoses, living in a safe house for a number of days due to family domestic violence, living with my mum and almost being kicked out coz we couldnt pay the bills. my confidence and self esteem has gone downhill and i have trouble forming relationships coz of what i saw as a child and its really hard when i see all my friends having this great life with thier boyfriends and they dont have a care in the world and i am just so jealous....bad luck just follows our family around and im sick of it now! i didnt really have much of a childhood and now i feel like the rest of my life has been ruined for me becoz of diabetes!

Having a good cry to get this all out of my system now...:(
Hello just look at things as a small wall/barrier to get over or around but not impossible!!! You have to think positive about stuff and you have friends on here you can turn too for advice etc on diabetes/life etc so keep posting and hang on in there, i think zinc tablets and echnacea tablets are good fer immune systems to combat colds /flu etc. hope u feel better soon 🙂
Think you are understandably a lot down and I hope tomorrow seems brighter. My son went through a very bad time with psoriasis but now has a lovely partner and two gorgeous children, the future isn't all bleak, believe in yourself and you will get through it.
Luv Joan & Jay (my dog)
Type 2 on insulin
Have you spoken to your GP or practice nurse and seen if you can have any counselling or if there are self-help groups or self-esteem courses in your area. Quite often the courses are run by charities but are not very well advertised though the GPs in an area should be aware.

You have had a lot of trauma to deal with in the past and its normal for it to catch up with you from time to time. Try telling yourself its not happening now, and don't get annoyed with yourself for being upset. (easier said than done I know).
Hi DG, very sorry to hear that you are having such a rough time, and have had so much to deal with. Try to bear in mind that none of these things are your fault. You come across as a very friendly, capable and determined person, but currently the illnesses will have lowered your ability to tackle the things you can influence. Allow yourself some time to get back to full fitness (not easy in this weather, given your hayfever :()

Keep writing and let it all out either here or in your blog, and I hope you can have some successes to report before too long 🙂
Hi D-G, I hope you are feeling better. If it's any consolation, I am going through the chest infection from hell. Now on to my second lot of antibitics which are giving me the worst upset tummy I have had for a long time.

Try to see the doctor and see what help he/she is able to offer, or see the practice nurse.
I know how you feel D-G. I've had some horrid times since diagnosis last year and it has got me down, to the point of tears more than once. I've started doing several things which seem to help a bit. One is keeping a diary so that I can see there are good bits as well as bad, even when things are at their worst. Another is beating the shit out of a pillow whenever it gets too much. I have a nice solid foam one that can take quite a battering which is just as well, because it has been well thumped in the last nine months. A third thing is venting in here just as you have done, it helps me to know that here are others out there going through the same things who really understand how I feel.

What has the doctor given you for the psoriasis?

Hi everyone, thanks for all your kind replies 🙂

I am feeling better today i think i just had one of those days where everything got on top of me and i just felt like i wanted to explode! writing it down helped alot i am so grateful for this forum dont know what state i would be in if i hadnt found it! just sort of felt like i have been unlucky all my life with everything!

this is gonna sound silly but it really annoys me when i log onto facebook and see friends and others statuses saying about how they have had a bad day, stuff like thier car is broken or maybe they have man issues and they put things like they hate thier life and they have the worse life in the world, and it takes all my strength not to write a comment or slap them and say "At least you havent got diabetes" !! I know its a stupid and selfish thing to do but thats how i feel, i just wanna run up to them and say shut up! your life is not crap...try having this illness for a day!

Anyway i am feeling better today have been asleep since i got home from work coz im not sleeping well at night coz its just too hot, well i feel alot better after my sleep, not got much of an appetite tho so just gonna have a nice salad in a psoriasis isnt really a problem at the mo as it tends to go down in the summer as the UVA treats it, also i have found since diagnosis od the D it has reduced quite alot! no idea why this is, maybe the insulin is doing something magical lol

I hope everyone is ok and coping well, and enjoying the hot weather too 🙂 i am sure there are people alot worse off than me, i hope you dont think i am always moaning! im sure i will be feeling alot better when this cold is gone!

hugs DG its true writting and venting things here does help cos you are not alone hunny xxx Big huggys xxx🙂
I'm glad you are feeling better. This forum certainly helps a lot. I have been up for ages feeling awfull, logged on here and found a message from a friend who cheered me up no end.
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