Bit disappointed to be told

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Well-Known Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
My healthcare team have been brilliant since diagnosis 18 months ago - but today I heard the you have done so well losing your weight but it may be benefical to lose a little more (this was from my GP) - this is following on from my specialist saying I may need a little insulin in the evening to help with lowering my morning bs to less than 6 (last HbA1c = 5.4)

My response - from were exactly 😡

(I have no boobies left already and feel like half a woman) 😛

I was 83 kilo (13 stone 2) on diagnosis today I am 64 kilo (10 stone 1)
Yes I was wondering how tall you are, because I would love to be 10st :D
The problem seems to be that most healthcare professionals read from the rule book and look at the charts or BMI results. Pity there isn't a rule book for 'bedside manner'.

Great weight loss by the way! Been told to lose weight myself also around 13st 2lbs :(
Ideal weight for me is 11st 7lbs.
Oooo give me 10 stone anyday, or even 11 stone (or even a bit more eek).

So long as you are in the healthy bit and you can be the top end of the healthy bit in these tables that are everywhere you are fine.

At 5'4" (me) my healthy weight is apparently between 8 st 11 lb and 10 st 12 lb, if that helps.

I think you deserve a humongous pat on the back and stuff the bloody GP and quite frankly if your HbA1c is 5.4 % and that is not because of hypos then stuff the insulin as well !
BMI & waist hip ratio also important

You could try working out your BMI (body mass index - weight in kg divided by height in cm squared) and waist hip ratio (this webpage does calculation for you ) and present resuls next time you see your healthcare team.
Your weight in isolation isn't the key fact - if BMI and waist hip ratio are OK, that's more important overall.
I keep looking at the BMI charts, and according to that I'm practically obese! My height is in dispute, because I've always believed I was 5'5"/5'6", but the hospital is convinced I'm 5'2", which would make everyone else shorter than me totally pocket size! But having lost over a stone pre-diagnosis (and a few more pounds since), I'm down to about 12st, either puts me at 'severely overweight' to 'obese' on the BMI charts. I don't trust them, since practically everyone around me is shocked when I tell them that I'm supposedly on the verge of obesity.....
Hmm I dont take any notice of BMI's !! according to mine 18.5 Im under weight :( I dont think I am at all . I think as long as you feel healthy and look healthy and with those levels you must do !! ignore the weight issue .
Hello Everyone I'm 5 ft 5 in me socks

My BMI is I think 23.1 it was 30

& Yeah I know what you mean if I lose much more I will look ill!!

I think they are putting the pressure on cause I'm trying for a baby and need to be as light as possible with as good control as possible before I get pregnant - i'm currently taking fertility drugs.

The GP told me when I go on insulin I'm going to put weight on as well and need to lose more before - I think NOT.

When I told my husband to bed (25th Sept) he was horrified)
I keep looking at the BMI charts, and according to that I'm practically obese! My height is in dispute, because I've always believed I was 5'5"/5'6", but the hospital is convinced I'm 5'2", which would make everyone else shorter than me totally pocket size! But having lost over a stone pre-diagnosis (and a few more pounds since), I'm down to about 12st, either puts me at 'severely overweight' to 'obese' on the BMI charts. I don't trust them, since practically everyone around me is shocked when I tell them that I'm supposedly on the verge of obesity.....

haha I am exactly the same! When I tell people i'm supposed to be 1.5st lighter they look shocked and say are you sure it isnt just muscle?! BMIs don't take muscle into consideration so are pretty useless, but once again doctors seem to go by BMIs :confused: I would like to lose a bit but I would look terribly thin if I was 1.5 stone lighter 😱 I'm nearly 5'8", meh.
under 25 is consider being ok

and bmi was the reason a lot of 18 / 19 year olds escaped being drafted by the army in the states during either WW2 or vietnam (i can't remember which), and it wasn't because they were overweight it was due to them having played american football and therefore their muscle bulk pushed them outwith the "ideal" BMI ranges
not just BMI, but also...

You shouldn't just consider BMI - waist hip ratio (different for each sex) is also relatively easy to calculate at home, with just a tape measure and a friend to hold the tape. For more detailed analysis, you need bioimpedence eg Tanita machines at some gyms, or DEXA or ultrasound scans, used in medical screening / research.
Well done on losing the weight!!

I got cross with my DSN last week when I saw her for the first time - practically the first thing she said was that she may want to increase my Metformin, she definitely wants to put me on Statins and some other pills for my kidneys and may at a later stage want to put me on insulin. I thought "Someone's been reading their text books" but there was no room for individuality.

I've only been diagnosed 5 weeks, and I've been working really hard to reduce my BG levels and my weight (got lots to lose :( ) - but this wasn't given any consideration, just a kind of robotic "diabetics must do this and this and this and there will be no wavering from this path......" !!

The GP told me when I go on insulin I'm going to put weight on as well and need to lose more before - I think NOT.

Eh?! Surely if the doc sets your levels correctly there should be no reason to gain weight? (assuming sensible diet does take discipline, which I freely admit to lacking!) So is he putting off getting you on insulin until you lose weight?? Sounds dodgy to me... I'll admit though, that when it comes to me & pregnancy, in order to get & hold good control I end up doing probably too many corrections, needing quite a few top ups so the weight does creep on, and it is hard to lose (I find)... (oh for that blasted pump....!!!!!)
Hi Twitchy

My consultant wants me to go on insulin and I asked him if he would give me chance to get my morning bs below 6 - which he agreed to 3 weeks ago as I'm going on holiday and I didn't want the stress of learning to inject etc when I'm pre occupied with my wedding and hol etc.

The GP who likes to see me once i've seen the conultant suggested back in June I was on to much medication and asked me to discuss with Consultant reducing - So GP now wants me to lose some weight prior to starting insulin which Is going to be mid Oct.

Very confusing I know - talked it over with my other half last night and he does not agree with Dr - I'm gonna ask consultant what he thinks when I see him - in the meantime I'm just gonna carry on as normal.

& Hopefully fingers crossed it won't take me to much longer to get pregnant - she says 😡
Hi Coped

You could try working out your BMI (body mass index - weight in kg divided by height in cm squared) and waist hip ratio (this webpage does calculation for you ) and present resuls next time you see your healthcare team.
Your weight in isolation isn't the key fact - if BMI and waist hip ratio are OK, that's more important overall.

I went on the website and did the waist to hip ratio and it 0.80 normal.

Thanks for showing me the website.

Sorry Copepod - I spelt it wrong pls accept my appologies
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That sounds mad! 5.4% is a brilliant Hba1c especially if your trying to concieve I was told anything below 6.5% is considered good control for pregnancy. I would wait and see what your consultant says sounds like the Dr has no clue. Also your bmi is good cause mine is the same and I'm a bit bigger than you. I'm not an expert but don't really see why you need insulin and also why your bs should be below 6 in the morning....:confused:
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