Bit About Moi....

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Active Member
Relationship to Diabetes
Type 1
Hey Guys and Gals,
Just a quick low down on me....

Been a Diabetic for 8 years, No-one knows what type i am as they mucked up on the test same as loubie.
Been told my diabetes was brought on by stress as i was being bullied and had family issues at the time. Mum was on steroids while pregnant with me and Loubie.
When i was born my aorta wasn't wide enough so they operated to widen it( at 6 weeks old) , but while doing that i had a stroke and was left paralysed down my left side - I am not paralysed now but left side is still weak. I get so muddled when people are explaining about my diabetes and care, Mum and i think this is due to the stroke. Probably why my levels are mostly high.
I am hoping with yours and Louise's help, i may be able to understand what is going on and how to control it better. :D x
Oh dear! I think we have trouble!😉 Goodness Han! What an introduction to the world! Hopefully, we can help you get those levels under control - your sister has been doing fantastically!:D
Hi, you had quite an introductin to the world indeed. Welcome to the boards. Post away and ask whatever you want. Someone is sure to be along befroe too long and help. There is always lots of support and encoragement here and we all gain from others help.
Hi Han, welcome to the forum!:D

Your sister has been trying so hard and seeing good results - so I think you will be able to follow in her footsteps! The best thing you can do for us is to tell us what insulins etc you are on and what a typical days levels are. This way we can all try to work out were there is room for improvement. What are your waking levels? Do you know how to correct if you are high? Do you carb count?🙂Also, it would be great if you joined in on our 'big night in' on wednesdays - this is good to find out what certain foods do to your levels.🙂Bev
Welcome aboard Han, hope you get as much out of this place as Lou and most of us!

Twin trouble ahead🙄😉
Hey Guys and Gals,
I get so muddled when people are explaining about my diabetes and care, Mum and i think this is due to the stroke. Probably why my levels are mostly high. x

Welcome Han -hope you like it here.

Re the above - I think this is a real problem. HCPs tell you things but don't check that you understand what they have said. Actually some don't seem to want you to understand -one asked me if I was a Dr as I understood what she was saying to me. I thought if you know the people you are talking to you don't understand you should try again with different words.

Hope being here helps you get to grips with stuff.
Welcome Han -hope you like it here.

Re the above - I think this is a real problem. HCPs tell you things but don't check that you understand what they have said. Actually some don't seem to want you to understand -one asked me if I was a Dr as I understood what she was saying to me. I thought if you know the people you are talking to you don't understand you should try again with different words.

Hope being here helps you get to grips with stuff.

Yes, we speak in plain English here, and you can always ask again for an explanation if there's something that doesn't quite click! 🙂
Oh dear! I think we have trouble!😉 Goodness Han! What an introduction to the world! Hopefully, we can help you get those levels under control - your sister has been doing fantastically!:D

Welcome aboard Han, hope you get as much out of this place as Lou and most of us!

Twin trouble ahead🙄😉

*hums the tune to "there maybe trouble ahead" hehe*
Hi Han

We'll do what we can. I agree with Bev.

Louise will have to teach you carb counting now!!! She is very good at it 🙂

No question is ever a silly question so ask away.
Wow youve been through so much. welcome xxx
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